
Africa update, Scripture music special, more!


Subject: Africa update, Scripture music special, more!
Jennifer Shaw Music Newsletter Ministry Update
April 2009
in this issue
:: UK/Kenya Tour Update
:: Have Jennifer at your next Women's event!
:: Scripture Memory Song special offer
:: New project coming
Jennifer ShawHi, all!

There's a lot to look at in this update - God is moving in exciting ways as we get ready for our trip to the UK and Kenya next month, there's aspecial on Scripture memory music that will help support the trip, I've been blogging at my site (check it out!) and I'm starting work on a new project down in Nashville.  We've been busy, but in this space, I wanted to tell you a story.

Sometimes God uses kids in our lives to remind us of the basics.  A couple of days ago, my 1st grader Rachel had a playdate, and after her friend left she said, "You know, mom, I really love her."  I said, pretty absently, "Yes, Rach, isn't it great to have friends we really like?" And she said, "Yes, I really like her, and I want us to be friends forever.  So I asked her if she had Jesus in her heart so we could be together in heaven.  She said she wanted to do that, and I gave her one of my Bibles - is that okay?"

It just touched my heart.  Why is it so easy for kids to share God's love, and it's so hard for us sometimes?  She reminded me that when we share this great gift we have with people and our motivation is love for them, it really should be just that simple.  

Happy April, and I hope you all have a joyous Easter!

In Christ, 


Hamjambo and Cheerio!
We're heading out in less than 4 weeks!

The Shaw familyWell, God has certainly been moving, and not always in the way we expected!  Doors are opening for us in Kenya in wonderful ways.  I am sharing with churches in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kijabe, doing ministry at schools and orphanages in multilple locations, and doing ministry and volunteering with the whole family on various World Vision projects.  It's been pretty awesome to watch God putting it together!

On the other hand, there has been a lot of difficulty personally for many of the key people on this trip.  Our hosts in Kenya are dealing with a family emergency which may or may not impact their ability to be with us, and our host in the UK is also having some difficulties.  In all ways, though, we are relying on God - He knows when we leave and what's happening, and I have been so blessed just to talk with the people who are hosting us - they are absolutely relying on God too, and the freedom in that is wonderful!  Please pray for our trip as we look for God to work out the issues.

On a great note, we have raised over 3/4 of our support so far!  If you are thinking ofsupporting the trip, we'd love your help to raise the last $2500.

And also - the kids' schools had a clothing and soccer ball drive for us which was just amazing.  We are taking it all to the orphans we are visiting, and let me just say, we are not packing light!!  Check out a picture of my former living room on my blog.
I want to do your women's event!
Speaker, singer, worship leader

The Lord has really been leading me in the direction of women's ministry.  I've been doing everything from special music concerts to full retreat weekends, speaking and leading worship.  I love working with event organizers to craft a time that will really focus on God and draw women closer to Him.  You can read about some of the events I've done on myblog, or contact us for more details.

So let's get talking!  I'm booking the fall 2009 and winter 2010 now and I'd love to be with you.
Scripture Memory Songs special offer!
Get all 3 CDs + curriculum for only $20!

God is Our Superhero
We're offering a special on our kid's Scripture memory songs to celebrate our new CD, God is Our Superhero!

Right now, while supplies last (and yes, we really may run out, that's not just a catchy phrase!), you can get all 3 Scripture memory songs CDs for the bundle price of $20, and we will also send you a FREE copy of the companion Sunday School / Homeschooling curriculum that goes with the first two. 

This is also a great way to support our ministry, as it will help us raise the remaining funds for our trip and the new project.  And you learn Scripture along with your kids - what could be better?!  :)
New project 
Nashville, here I come!

I'm headed down to Nashville to record my new radio single in about a week and a half.  Then I'll debut it only a few days later (yikes!) at a showcase at the Gospel Music Association Week in Nashville as well.  God has so orchestrated this, as I could never have pulled off all these details.

This will be the  first cut on my new album which we will record this summer with a late fall release planned.  I am so excited to work on the songs we've already written, and also to see what the Lord will give me for new songs while we're on our tour.  I'm sure it will be inspiring!
Thanks so much for reading!  Please send this on to anyone you think would be interested, and I hope to see you at an event in the near future.  Please keep praying for our trip - we appreciate that so much!
In Christ,

Jennifer Shaw Music