| |  |  | Jennifer Shaw Music | June 2010 | |  | | It's been an incredible couple of weeks here. I write and direct a play for Adventure Week at our church (our version of VBS) and we saw many, many children's lives changed - many met the Lord for the first time (see what I learned below). Then, after the first day, I got the unexpectedly great news that I was invited to open for the Big Daddy Weave concert here in Columbus. I love their music so that was exciting! THEN, on Wednesday we got the amazing news that my new single "God Loved the World" was the MOST ADDED single to Inspirational radio in the country according to Billboard chart! That's just incredible to me! My song tied with the new song from Sanctus Real, and we were ahead of huge names in Christian music - it's just an unbelievable blessing! Jennifer Shaw  | "God Loved the World" is the Gospel in 4 minutes, and I am so excited to see how God is getting it out there. You can hear a clip of it in my store. We are shooting a video for it next week with Jeffrey Kubach, known for his work on the hit TV show Survivor. It's also coming out soon in a choral version in a Christmas musical from Lifeway called The Journey, and was featured at a national pastor's conference in February. I am so excited to see the message of the Gospel getting out through this song! For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17, NIV In addition, since the last newsletter, I've gotten to film a show in New York for TBN, audition for the Bengals (to sing, not to play!), do some concerts, hire a wonderful assistant named LeAnne, and I've gotten an intern for the summer named Whitney. It has NOT been dull around here! You can catch up on everything at my blog, and join me on facebook too - love to see you there. It's amazing how the seasons of our lives change, isn't it? Sometimes things are so hard, and sometimes blessings rain down. God is always the same, regardless of our circumstances. And today, I am thanking Him for the blessings. What a good God we serve! In Christ, Jennifer | | Go With Jesus Like a Little Child He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18:2-3 NIV I spent every day last week at Adventure Week. We put on a play called "Go With Jesus" in the Old West, and the characters learned to trust in God, to go wherever He told them, and to go with Him. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. That truth defies comprehension, and yet sometimes I think we miss our half of the equation. God is with us. That will never change. But are we WITH God? Are we going WITH Him, or are we just noticing Him every once in a while, saying hi on Sundays, or praying to Him when we need something? God calls us to GO. God calls us to go WITH Him. To go where He sends us. To have Him be an inextricable part of our every day, every thought, every action. God doesn't want to be a nice accent piece in your life, He wants to BE your life. Knowing God should and does change everything! I watched the kids this week responding to the incredible gift of Christ and His love for them. They weren't distracted. They weren't telling God what He should do or how their lives should be. They just heard the good news and responded in love and faith. They recognized truth. Matt. 18 tells us to be like little children. To accept by faith what God tells us is truth. To trust Him. To accept His authority. To go where He sends us. To always be WITH Him. At the end of the week, a little girl came up to me clutching a brand new kids Bible she'd obviously just received. She was just grinning but she was shy, so I asked her, "Did you learn something about Jesus this week?" and she said, "Yes. I believe Jesus is the truth, so I decided to go with Him." May we all be like the children. May we all Go With Jesus. | | About Jennifer Shaw Music Singer, songwriter, speaker, and worship leader Jennifer Shaw recently topped the national Christian radio charts with a # 3 hit song "Your Great Name." After being classically-trained as an opera singer at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, Jennifer became a professor of music at Cedarville University before she felt led into her current role as a worship leader at her local church. Her testimony includes tragedy and triumph, being the parent of a special needs child, and losing her father to Lou Gehrig's disease. Her new CD, LOVE BROKE THROUGH, features songs that offer hope in any circumstance and also reflect her recent experiences on the mission field in Africa and the UK. Jennifer Shaw Music P.O. Box 340773 Columbus, Ohio 43234 | | | | | | |