This has been sort of a crazy re-entry into life for us. The jet-lag has been no joke, and it's been surprisingly consuming just to have Noah in the house with us and also to have so many doctors appointments and paperwork with insurance and things. Not that we weren't expecting it, but somehow it still took us by surprise. Add to that that our basement decided to flood a couple days after we got back into town (thank the Lord it didn't happen while we were in China!) which was a complication we really didn't need, and a week and a half went by like lightening! The first night Noah and Toby went to bed and tried to whisper to each other which is tough with very limited English. We could hear, "Good night, Toby." "Good night, Noah." "Toby. Toby! Toby!" "Yes, Noah?" "Um… good night, Toby." "Good night, Noah." "Okay. Toby! Toby!" "Yes, Noah?" "Um, good night, Toby." etc. That lasted about 5 minutes and then they both passed out. In the morning when they woke up, Toby told me Noah said, "I miss Chinese mother." And Toby said, "I'm sorry, Noah" and Noah looked thoughtful and said, "I miss Chinese mother. I like American mother," as though he was saying "I miss my Chinese mom but I also like my American mom." This is actually so positive in our opinion. Clearly, it's very normal for him to miss his foster parents, but we are so glad that he also likes us, and we want him to know that it's fine for him to love two sets of parents. We've also spent many, many, many hours with doctors over the last week. Noah's first appointment was cardiology... |