
Leaving Fear Behind


Jennifer Shaw Ministries February, 2013
Jennifer Shaw
It's been a pretty incredible couple of months here.  I have watched God opening doors in ways I never would have expected, and I am so grateful!

Early in January, we were releasing the new video for "Your Child" - you all got a sneak peak in December. Focus on the Family decided to debut the video for us by featuring it on their Facebook Pro-Life page which has more than half a million followers.  It was only at the top a couple of hours, but the response was amazing, and the video now has over 25,000 views just in the last six weeks or so.  It's been wonderful to hear all the responses, and see how God is using the song to encourage so many special families!
The song and video have also been or will be used in the near future by so many other organizations - Joni and Friends, Autism Speaks, Insight for Living - it's really incredible.  And I have a two part interview about my book "Life Not Typical:How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song" onFamilyLife Today with Dennis Rainey airing nationwide on March 14th and 15th.  Please check your local listings to listen and let us know what you think!
We've also had a few personally intense days here at home.  I wrote a blog about it called "Leaving Fear Behind" - you can read more below.
You can also check out where I've been lately and see everything that's been happening on my blog or see where we're going next on my events page.
How can we serve you?  We would love to partner with you in ministry or to pray for you - just let us know.  And I absolutely love hearing from you!  
In Christ, 


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Leaving Fear Behind
How God Has Changed My Heart


I just had the one of the longest 24 hour periods of my life.


A couple of weeks ago I had my annual checkup at the OB-GYN and after examining me she told me I should have a mammogram just in case. It was probably nothing, and not to worry.


So I didn't worry, and I made an appointment. I didn't really like going through the big "Cancer Center" doors, but I figured that was where they do this kind of testing even when it's routine and I needed to get over it. They told me I would hear in a week to ten days.


A week later I was thinking through what had to happen that day: several important calls, some email, final planning for an event that weekend, taxi driving for my kids. The phone rang and it was the Cancer Center telling me that they saw something and needed me to come in for further testing.


Right there, all my seemingly important stuff immediately became unimportant.


Continue reading on Jennifer's blog...


About Jennifer Shaw Music 
Singer, songwriter, speaker, worship leader and now author Jennifer Shaw recently topped the national Christian radio charts with a # 3 hit song "Your Great Name." Her ministry has been featured by Focus on the Family, Insight for Living, FamilyLife Today, Autism Speaks, Joni and Friends, and many more. Her new book, Life Not Typical: How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song, has brought national attention to the issue of Sensory Processing Disorder. After being classically-trained as an opera singer at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, Jennifer became a professor of music at Cedarville University before she felt led into her current role as a contemporary worship leader. Her testimony includes tragedy and triumph, being the parent of a special needs child, and losing her father to Lou Gehrig's disease. With the release of her fourth album, Someday, her songs, including four singles on Billboard's Top 40, offer hope in any circumstance and also reflect her recent experiences on the mission field in Asia, Africa and the UK.
Jennifer Shaw Music
P.O. Box 340773
Columbus, Ohio 43234