
Nicaragua, New Website & New Music!

Jennifer Shaw Ministries November, 2014
Jennifer Shaw

I can't believe it's been months since I sent my last update, and so much has been happening!


First of all, we are thrilled to finally launch my new website.  After many years with the old design, it was time for a refresh and redo - we hope you'll take the time to check it out and give us feedback!


Secondly, we just got back from an incredible trip to Nicaragua with Compassion International, and we are so fired up to be helping kids with this fantastic organization!  I shared part of it below, and you can check out the whole trip with lots of pictures on my blog.


Speaking of the blog, you can read all about our adventures this summer in California, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada with ministry events and crazy happenings including bears, zip-lining, and cliff-edge horseback riding.  I don't get to write that sentence every day, that's for sure.  We've also posted several articles I've done on subjects like worship and disabilities ministry - let us know what you think!


It's crazy, I know, but Christmas is coming!  We put out a musical Christmas card last year, and are hoping that many of you will be giving it to your family and friends.  It's a card with a three-song CD with "Angels We Have Heard on High," "What Child is This?" and an original song called "Christmas is Forever" tucked inside.  They are only $5 each or 10 for $40, and make a great little gift at a time of year when many people are more open to the Gospel.  When you give them or any of my CDs or books as gifts, you encourage others and really help to support our ministry at the same time, so check those out in the store and thanks!


And finally, I've been commissioned to write 18 new kid's songs including 15 that will be word-for-word Scripture memory.  I'm aiming to have the songs written by Christmas, and they will be recorded and manufactured early next year.  I would love to hear from you with the verses you think would be the best ones for elementary aged kids to know!  I have written many of these in the past, and there are so many great verses I want hidden in my own kids' hearts, I'd love to hear what would be important to you!  And who knows, maybe your favorite verse will end up on the CD!


That's it for now, next time I'll tell you about the worship book I'm writing.  :)  Would love to partner with you on an event in 2015!  Let me know if there's any way I can serve your church or group!


In Christ,





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Nicaragua with Compassion International
How Can We Affect Lives in the Name of Christ?


If you've been following us for a while, you'll know that we've always been very passionate about children's welfare and poverty relief. We've been working in conjunction with several organizations to protect and nurture the most vulnerable children in the world through sponsorship and awareness of issues like poverty and trafficking. Next to people knowing Jesus, this is probably the thing I would most like to share with the world and over the years we've gotten hundreds and hundreds of kids sponsored in developing countries.


Most recently we've partnered with Compassion International and this past week we had the privilege to go to Nicaragua with them. It was a hard, amazing, educational, eye-opening, overwhelming experience all rolled into one. I knew that Compassion was an organization with integrity, that they have an outstanding reputation and are one of the top rated charities in the world, but to see the program in action really took it from paper to reality for me. It was truly an incredible trip!


We flew out of Columbus on Monday, and met up with about half the team in Houston...


Keep reading and see lots of pictures from our trip on my blog!


About Jennifer Shaw Music 
Jennifer Shaw is a Telly Award-winning speaker, author, singer, songwriter and worship leader. Her ministry has been featured by Focus on the Family, Insight for Living, FamilyLife Today, Autism Speaks, Joni and Friends, and many more. Her new book, Life Not Typical: How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song, has brought national attention to the issue of Sensory Processing Disorder. After being classically-trained as an opera singer at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, Jennifer became a professor of music at Cedarville University before she felt led into her current role as a speaker and contemporary worship leader. Her testimony includes tragedy and triumph, being the parent of a special needs child, and losing her father to Lou Gehrig's disease. With the release of her fourth album,Someday, her songs, including five singles on Billboard's Top 40, offer hope in any circumstance and also reflect her recent experiences on the mission field in Asia, Africa, Central America and the UK.
Jennifer Shaw Music
P.O. Box 340773
Columbus, Ohio 43234