
Thailand and Crystal Cathedral!


Jennifer Shaw Music April, 2012
Hello!Jennifer Shaw 

I'm leaving here in just a few hours for the West Coast.  Today I'm heading to Arizona and then onto LA to sing and talk about my new book at the Crystal Cathedral this weekend on the Hour of Power - I think it will air the following Sunday, so check your local listings if you'd like to see it!  

Before I go, though, I wanted to make sure to let you know how our Thailand trip went!  It was an absolutely amazing time, and so eye-opening.  We had no idea before we went how big a problem child-trafficking is, and seeing first-hand what Remember Nhu is doing, and spending time with the children there was heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time.  I'll be partnering with them on some events this fall to raise awareness of their work, and hope you'll get involved too.  We also had the opportunity to see a lot of the beauty and culture of Thailand and I shared some of our thoughts and activities and pictures on my blog.  TheThailand section's in three parts, and I also posted a link to a huge (yes, I am addicted to photography!) album you can look through if you'd like.  

Another exciting thing that happened just a few weeks ago was that my new single "Life Not Typical" was on Billboard's Most Added chart.  We are still gaining ground with the song, and I'm excited to see where God takes it!  If you haven't had a chance, check out our new music video for the song - we had so much fun making this tribute to John 10:10 and our abundant life in Christ!

I am going down to Nashville in a couple of weeks to finish writing the new album and record a few vocals, and production has already been started on some of the songs we wrote earlier in the year.  I am loving how they are coming together, and am excited to share them!  We're looking at an early fall release, and I'll keep you updated as things move along.  

Finally, my book, Life Not Typical, is also doing well.  God continues to open doors for television and radio, and print coverage on the book, and I am so encouraged by people's response to it.  It's our testimony during very hard times, and we pray it will bring a lot of hope to special needs parents and raise awareness for SPD and autism as well.  If you've already gotten your copy, let us know what you think!  

Thank you so much for your partnership with us!  We absolutely love hearing from you and praying for you - please let us know what's going on in your life!  We appreciate your prayers for our ministry, and hope to see you soon on the road!

In Christ, 


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About Jennifer Shaw Music 
Singer, songwriter, speaker, worship leader and now author Jennifer Shaw recently topped the national Christian radio charts with a # 3 hit song "Your Great Name." After being classically-trained as an opera singer at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, Jennifer became a professor of music at Cedarville University before she felt led into her current role as a contemporary worship leader. Her testimony includes tragedy and triumph, being the parent of a special needs child, and losing her father to Lou Gehrig's disease. Her newest CD, Love Broke Through, with three singles on Billboard's Top 40, features songs that offer hope in any circumstance and also reflects her recent experiences on the mission field in Africa and the UK.
Jennifer Shaw Music
P.O. Box 340773
Columbus, Ohio 43234