Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families

This album includes 30 word-for-word Scripture memory songs (NIV) plus 9 bonus Christian-themed kids songs! These songs were all developed for use in a Vacation Bible School curriculum for Faith Covenant Church in Westerville, OH. Each of the mini-albums is for a different year with a different themed play. There are five Scripture songs per year, one for each day of VBS, plus bonus theme songs and roll calls for the classes. The Scripture songs are all word for word from either the 1984 or the 2011 New International Version (NIV) of the Bible and include the references. They have since been used by Sunday schools, Christian schools, other VBS programs, homeschoolers, and families, and we hope they are a blessing to you too!
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What People Are Saying
Surveys have shown that scripture illiteracy is at an all-time high, and Telly Award winner and top 40 Billboard artist, Jennifer Shaw, hopes her new project will help alter the current trend. Shaw is releasing a children's music project entitled Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families, which features 30 word-for-word scripture songs from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible.
Scripture Memory Songs for Kids and Families is targeted to kids from kindergarten age up through sixth grade, and is filled with amazing songs that both kids and adults will enjoy. It's pretty awesome that not only are they enjoying the music but walking away learning these Bible verses.
Jennifer Shaw's Scripture Memory Songs is now a staple in our travel library. While its target audience is kids from kindergarten age up to sixth grade, adults will enjoy this album along with older kids. The songs are upbeat and fun – something the whole family can listen to in the car!"
This collection of fun and themed songs that are word for word Scripture verses is an invaluable resource in both my roles as pastor and parent. From Bible studies to trips in the car it is amazing to see how kids of all ages can memorize Scripture from these songs!
What a great way to indwell God's Word in the hearts of our young - Scriptures sung in easy to remember tunes! I sent the CD along with my grandson to listen to on his flight to Ethiopia this summer!
As a teacher, this is a perfect tool I use to help my kindergartners memorize their weekly Bible verses. The catchy tunes easily stick in their heads and then their hearts. Love these songs!
God's Word sparkles in Jennifer's songs! Her music delights the soul and fills the spirit as God's truth gets written on the ‘hard-drive' of our hearts.
I got it yesterday! I'm so excited! Thank you for sharing your gift. God bless you for all the good work you are doing. I heard you in person and you were AWESOME!!!
The scripture songs are a perfect way to teach young children bible verses! They stick in the little ones heads (and mine too). We used them for our recent Adventure Week (VBS), and my 5 and 8 year old granddaughters are still reciting the verses and where they are found in the Bible. It's awesome!
These catchy songs teach Scripture word for word along with the references for both children and adults. Our church absolutely loves using these for both our Vacation Bible school and all of our children's ministries!
Everything is easier to memorize with music and Scripture verses are no exception! This tool has been wonderful for our family!