Well, it’s begun. Every year I write a play with my playwrite partner, Terry, and we put together a full production show for our Adventure Week (that would be VBS) at church. It’s a serial, so the kids see 30 minutes of the show every day through the week, sort of a “tune in tomorrow to see what happened in Old El Paso!!” kind of thing.
This year we are going back to the Old West, and we had our first blocking rehearsal today. This cast is going to be fantastic – they are so funny! So if you’re in the Columbus area, kiddos, saddle up and join Jiffy, Miss Lilly, Leadbelly, the Sheriff, Flo, and Bad Bart for the rootin’est, tootin’est good time this side of the Rio Grande, yeeeeehaw!!
Sorry, got carried away. But it is going to be pretty fantabulous. You can register here if you’re interested. It’ll be June 21-25th, 9am-noon and it’s free. 🙂