Archive for August, 2006


Thursday, August 31st, 2006

My wonderful, hilarious, loving, strong, brave dad went to be with the Lord yesterday, August 30th, 2006. I am so happy for him that he is not in pain anymore, that he is healthy, and has a new body, and is celebrating with Jesus. And I am overcome with sorrow for my own loss, and for my family and my mom. How do I conceive of a world that doesn’t have Dad in it?

I keep thinking of a poem I always loved when I was younger. Dylan Thomas wrote a very famous piece when his father was dying which ends with the lines, “Do not go gentle into that good night./ Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” I always thought this was truth, he was entreating his dad to fight for life, to fight to stay, and I loved Dylan Thomas because he was a genius, an artist with words, and he wrote brilliant poetry. But he was wrong.

Only if this is the only light we’ve known would we want to rage against its dying. But we know a Light far greater than any light we would see here. Rather than rage against losing what we cannot keep here, shouldn’t we be running toward the greatest Light there is? My dad was not going to live short a miracle from God. His disease was painful and terrible and caused him unthinkable suffering. So, what a blessing that God gave us the gift to be with him, and see that he did go gently “into that good night”, and to know that the light did not die, but that he is dancing in it in heaven!

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” (Psalm 30:11-12) That is true today for my dad, and I know it will be true for our family as well.

My dad loved us tremendously. I am the most blessed woman in the world to have been loved by the parents I was given, and I thank God for the honor. My dad was the one who gave me a glimpse into how much God must love us, if it was more than my dad did. And I know that his greatest sorrow was leaving us. But I also know we will see him again, and that he is in the presence of his first and greatest love, Jesus, who welcomed him with his most-desired words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

“Better is one day in your house than a thousand elsewhere.” (Psalm 84:10) Daddy, I’m so happy you’re there. And I love you, and I’ll be looking for you when I come.

To God be the glory.

school starting

Monday, August 21st, 2006

Well, we’ve been very busy here. School’s starting for the kids, we’ve been setting up more concerts, and we’ve been over at my parent’s a lot helping out with my dad.

Please take a second to head over to Indieheaven (the link is under the track list) and rate my song on their radio chart by clicking on “radio” and then the orange radio tower graphic – I’d really appreciate it! And if you’re on myspace, come and say hello! You’ll find me at

God bless you, and thanks for visiting – drop me a line if there’s anything I can do for you.

myspace, etc.

Friday, August 4th, 2006

Well, I’ve been spending some time over at myspace ( I’ve had over 1000 plays in just the last few days. It’s pretty crazy, I think. I’ve gotten emails from all over the country, as well as Bali, Australia, Ireland, Afganistan, the Netherlands, even a man in Korea asking my permission to translate my songs for use at his home church. God is amazing, and it’s such a reminder that the family of God spans the world.

My song, Let There Be Light, is up to #5 on the Indieheaven radio chart( – click on the orange radio tower graphic to go to the chart) – help me out and go and rate it! It’s so fun to be up there with so many other great songs.

Also, I’ve got two songs, Be Still, and Let There Be Light in rotation at The Spirit Radio ( – feel free to go and request me.

The more I pursue this, the more I think that I must, in everything I do, give all of this, all of it to God, and hold nothing back. Soli Deo Gloria – to God alone be the glory. How do you express your overwhelming love to your Savior who has given you everything? I guess that’s why I write music. But even that, I know God has given to me. To God be the glory! I love you, Jesus.

My dad is somewhat stable but still doing very poorly. Thanks to everyone who has contacted me telling me that you are praying. We can feel it, and we appreciate you so much. Please visit his blog at if you have time, and see why I’m so proud of him!