First day of school for all but the senior in high school and the junior in college.

Anna, Noah, and I at the Greek Festival.

Noah and Ethan coming in second and third at their race!

Fun camping in the back yard.

Rinnah’s floormates wandering the neighborhood with lanterns for the Moon Festival.
We are getting back into the swing of school. Life always seems to move at lightspeed toward the end of the summer getting ready for school, and then at the beginning when we’re trying to get everything set up and everyone adjusted. I try not to have events at this time of year just because there’s so little margin!
This is a big year for us. Rachel is starting her senior year, Toby is starting high school, and Noah is starting middle school – lots of transitions! Rinnah is still at Taylor University, now a junior, and Ethan and Anna started fifth and third grades.
We’ve made time for some fun, too, though. We went to the Greek Festival with the kiddos, and taught them all to yell “Opa!” at the dancers and eat some amazing food. The three youngest all ran their first official race which Toby’s cross country team had organized. We had some camping in the backyard, and some s’more time. And then this past weekend, Rinnah brought most of her floor from Taylor to our house for a floor retreat, and we celebrated the Moon Festival too. It was so fun to meet all these amazing young women, and we had fun immediately sending them out with lanterns and feeding them (or trying to) different kinds of moon cake.
All in all, it’s been a good beginning to the school year, and now I’m gearing up for another season of ministry!