Triennial was this past weekend, and it was a wonderful time. I don’t really remember when I’ve ever been this tired, but it was exhilarating to watch God work! I got to D.C. on Wednesday, had a tough time checking in, and then dove in head first – I think I slept 15 hours from Wednesday to Sunday.
We were leading worship with a team of eight women from all over the country. I was on vocals and keys. Also, several of us were featured on different worship services, so I got to share a sneak peak of the new video on Friday morning’s service, and share some of my own music Friday night which was a blessing.
There were women there from all over the world, and I was especially touched to talk with many of them and hear about the challenges they face as Christians in their home countries. Another highlight for me was just getting to know the women on my team – they are all serving God in such different places and ways and in such different circumstances, that was fun to hear about.
Difficult but rewarding. Exhausting but fun. We can sum up so much of the Christian experience this way, can’t we? Glad I’m part of the adventure.