Back at Cypress Wesleyan teaching Esther

Leading worship at the More 4 Orphans Summit at Vineyard Columbus

With Renee Swope and George Dennehy at the conference

Audio Adrenaline did a concert Friday night
This is sort of a catch up post, but it’s been so fun to watch God working lately!
Started a week and a half ago with two women’s events. First on Friday night, I did a women’s event for New Albany Presbyterian. It was their annual fellowship event and it was essentially a large house concert with amazing food. 🙂 We had a great time together, and it was fun to reconnect with so many Young Life people there. My family has always been heavily involved in that ministry (my dad, Dave Chilcoat, started it in Columbus and my brother Mike is now the metro director here), and I couldn’t believe how many people we knew there from that ministry!
Then the next morning I got up early, and went back to Cypress Wesleyan to do a one day retreat on the life of Esther. They were as wonderful as they had been several weeks ago when I gave my concert there, and again, the tech was fantastic so they made it so fun to sing! We had a great time with them all. My husband ended up coming as well to film it, and since that left my son, Toby, all alone, he also ended up attending his first women’s retreat. 🙂 Couldn’t believe how much of it he was telling me about on the way home – guess he was listening! He was a little embarrassed to be a boy there, but when I pointed out that half of the tech booth were men and he was with his dad, he got over it.
That week I had a big rehearsal with the band I’m bringing with me to do worship for the More 4 Orphans Conference at Vineyard Columbus. It’s so fun to play with a band again (I’m often solo), but it’s also more complicated as we had to all get on the same page – more planning for me.
Thursday we found out that a big article about our getting 500 kids sponsored with World Vision came out in several publications – that was really cool. You can see one of them here.
Then Friday morning we were soundchecking at 7:30 am to start the conference which lasted all day Friday and then Saturday until 2. It was so disappointing because the weather was just terrible again. So many school districts cancelled or were on late start that many people couldn’t come. It was a great conference though – the organizers had so much great stuff packed in – and we still had an inspiring time talking about all the ways we can help and influence people on behalf of orphans everywhere. I was doing worship and also presented a couple of breakout sessions on sponsorship as well as special needs parenting, and then I also got to feature a few of my songs and videos. They had a domestic and international track, and all sorts of amazing speakers and musicians including Renee Swope from Proverbs 31, George Dennehy, Audio Adrenaline, Bishop Martin, and so many others. Truly an inspiring weekend even if I was ready to drop in a pile when it was over. 🙂
This has been an unusually busy spring, and I’m so happy to have two weeks off to catch up on everything!