“Thanksgiving in July” concert

Jennifer with Mary June Wilkinson

Vespers on the beach.

Part of the 115 year old sanctuary at Epworth

View at Epworth

View at Epworth
Well, we had a pretty amazing week. I confess, our heads are swimming a bit being back in the states still – we came home and jumped both feet first into VBS, finished the play and the week, and then set out almost immediately for Epworth Heights in Ludington, MI.
Epworth is a community that was founded in 1896 as a summer retreat on Lake Michigan. The beach houses have been handed down in the families for the last 100+ years. It’s just stunning, and feels like a step back in time.
Mary June Wilkinson lives here in the summers, and had seen me sing several times in Florida, her winter home. She invited me and my family up for the week, and we stayed busy! I sang in church on Sunday morning, and then again at the evening vespers on the beach. I also did our kid’s music with my children’s help at their VBS all week, and then gave a concert at their annual “Thanksgiving in July” event.
The rest of the time, we walked, played in the sand, raced turtles (a tradition going back to the thirties – we had the coolest turtle – go, Speedy!!!), toured the museum, played on the playground, got to know incredibly nice people, and had some wonderful together time. What fun! Hope we get to do that again. 🙂