Archive for June, 2007

Earthen Vessel Tour

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Hi, everybody, I’m off today for Indianapolis because the Earthen Vessels Tour starts there tomorrow – I’m so excited to meet these wonderful artists I’ve been working with for the last few months! It’s so funny that we all feel like we know each other, but we’d all better dress like our promo pics or we won’t recognize each other, lol, it’s all been by conference call.

We are so honored to have this tour sponsored by Compassion International, Indieheaven, and SIT Strings – what a wonderful blessing.

We’ll be all over the Midwest, so if that’s your neck of the woods, look us up and come out to a show! If you get there, come and say hi – I love to meet people I “know” online. You can find my schedule by going to “links” and hitting either my myspace or shoutlife pages.

God bless, and please be praying that the Lord would really use this tour for His glory!

P.S. The official site if you want it is 🙂