Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Nicaragua Part 1

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
Compassion International headquarters for Nicaragua

Compassion International headquarters for Nicaragua

The man in charge of letters from sponsors showing us the letters he will check in and get translated that day

The man in charge of letters from sponsors showing us the letters he will check in and get translated that day

Nathan meeting the pastor at the one of the programs in Managua

Nathan meeting the pastor at the one of the programs in Managua

A classroom at the Compassion program in Managua

A classroom at the Compassion program in Managua

The folders kept for each child in the program with their educational, medical, social, and letter history

The folders kept for each child in the program with their educational, medical, social, and letter history

โ€œLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14

โ€œLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14

A boy welcoming us to the second Managua program reading to us from his Bible with Mario translating

A boy welcoming us to the second Managua program reading to us from his Bible with Mario translating

The nicer streets with just a little water running today - it hasn't rained for a week.

The nicer streets with just a little water running today – it hasn’t rained for a week.

Our first home visit - mom shows us her home

Our first home visit – mom shows us her home

With the children out front

With the children out front

Nathan walking down their steps to leave - this is the "stream" of sewage the children jump every day to get to school and it's low now

Nathan walking down their steps to leave – this is the “stream” of sewage the children jump every day to get to school and it’s low now

A washing station at one of the homes we visited

A washing station at one of the homes we visited

One of the kids we played with most back at the school

One of the kids we played with most back at the school

To view larger images of the pictures, just click on them.

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know that we’ve always been very passionate about children’s welfare and poverty relief. We’ve been working in conjunction with several organizations to protect and nurture the most vulnerable children in the world through sponsorship and awareness of issues like poverty and trafficking. Next to people knowing Jesus, this is probably the thing I would most like to share with the world and over the years we’ve gotten hundreds and hundreds of kids sponsored in developing countries.

Most recently we’ve partnered with Compassion International and this past week we had the privilege to go to Nicaragua with them. It was a hard, amazing, educational, eye-opening, overwhelming experience all rolled into one. I knew that Compassion was an organization with integrity, that they have an outstanding reputation and are one of the top rated charities in the world, but to see the program in action really took it from paper to reality for me. It was truly an incredible trip!

We flew out of Columbus on Monday, and met up with about half the team in Houston. There were several other artists on this trip, all going to see Compassion’s work in the field. Unfortunately, we had no idea what anyone looked like, so while we knew they were on our plane, we didn’t know who they were until we got to Managua! We got in, got introduced and went to the hotel for dinner and to wait for the other half of the group who were coming through Atlanta. There were 16 of us plus 4 Nicaraguan staff members (who rocked by the way! Thanks, Corina, Milagro, Mario, and Carlos!!). It was a very diverse group with artists from around the US and all different genres and audiences, and yet, God is a common denominator. What a fun group of Christ followers! It’s like going to camp โ€“ we may have only spent several days together, but you come back bonded. ๐Ÿ™‚

The next morning we started very early because they wanted to show us a broad spectrum of the work happening in the country and we didn’t have much time. We started with the national offices where there are about 50 people on staff. Compassion has 45,000 children in its programs in Nicaragua, and we were so incredibly impressed by the efficiency and professionalism of this office. What was more impressive, though, were the hearts of the people working there. Over and over we heard what a privilege it was to serve children and families in the name of Jesus, and it was obvious in everything they did. I especially loved learning how the letters come in and get processed and translated and sent to the field. They do 10,000 letters per month just in Nicaragua! And speaking of which, if you sponsor a child, please, please write to them! Everywhere we go we hear from the kids how important their sponsor’s letters are to them, and sadly, we hear from many who never get a letter, even when they write asking for one. Please know how much your letters mean to them, and get writing!

After the headquarters, we went to a church partner in Managua to see an urban program. Compassion always works through church partnerships, and the pastor of this church welcomed us with open arms. He touched my heart so much โ€“ he was very animated when we got there telling us about his programs and the church, but as soon as he started talking about the children, he got so choked up he couldn’t talk for quite a while. These children aren’t just pictures in a folder to him โ€“ these children are his children. They are real, and this program is so invested in their future!

While there, we saw the whole program, met the staff, and got to see the level of detail and involvement they have in the kids’ lives. They keep a record for each child of the school history, help needed, medical history, even their dreams and plans for their future and a plan the staff has worked out individually with each child to help them reach their goals. It was incredible! These folders were 5 inches thick, and they have one for each and every child in the program worldwide. One of the greatest needs of people everywhere is to be seen, to be known, and it was very obvious that what this staff was saying to these kids was, โ€œI see you, I know you, you are valuable.โ€

We had lunch with the staff there (yes, it was only lunchtime!!) and then headed to another urban partner church to see their program and play with the kids. We also had the opportunity to have some home visits. They split the team up, and our smaller group got to visit two homes where sponsored children live โ€“ they were next door neighbors. It was very sobering. We walked just a few blocks from the church down charming, poor but nice houses painted in bright colors. The worst part was the sewage running through the middle of the dirt streets, but it wasn’t too bad. We walked one block behind those houses though, and entered a different world. We saw the โ€œstreamโ€ where are the sewage was headed. It was wide enough that I literally had to jump over it, and when I did, I realized that we were in the front yard of our home visit house, and it was a shack made of tacked together plywood and pieces of tin with rusty barbed wire hanging at head height being used as a clothes line. The small children living here had to jump that river of sewage every day just to get to school. We had had 5 clear days, so it wasn’t high when we went, but they had had flooding so bad the week before that it ran through they house and washed their lavatory down their hill. Their mother had her hand bandaged because she had cut it with a machete while gathering firewood the week before, and she’d had to dig a new latrine in their yard with her damaged hand.

It was a terrible situation. But after getting past that for a few moments, I realized that what was most striking about this was that even in spite of the poverty and desperation of their situation, this mom had such dignity and joy. She was proud to invite us to her home, and she had dressed in her best dress. She had a son and twin daughters, and they were obviously wearing their best clothes, and she was clearly proud of them โ€“ they were all so loving to each other. Her house was neat and as clean as she could make it with a dirt floor. One of the twins has some special needs, and her brother and sister both treated her kindly and hugged her continually โ€“ they were obviously friends. She told us how much she appreciated the education and medical care her kids were receiving, and what a difference it was making in their lives. We asked how we could pray for her, and she asked for prayers for her husband’s safety โ€“ he was away in the army โ€“ and that her children would have a different future than hers.

The second home was similar. Two things stood out here โ€“ when we asked if the children received letters from their sponsors, the mom pointed to her son and daughter and said, โ€œHe writes and gets letters, and she writes but gets no letters.โ€ It was so sad. The other thing was when we asked the little boy what he would want to pray for, he said, โ€œFood!โ€ He is six, and how I wish he’d never had to wonder if there would be food. I was so struck by the fact that when we asked the parents at all of our visits this week what they wanted most or what we could pray for, they did not ask for what I thought would be obvious or for things for themselves, but instead asked that we pray for a different future for their children. As a mom, that really spoke to me.

After that we drove about 3.5 hours up the coast to Chicandega, checked into our hotel, and basically collapsed. It felt like a week’s worth of experiences in one day, and it’s going to take us a while to process everything we are seeing.

To sponsor a child today, please visit Compassion following this link!

Christian Post’s Video Interviews

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

The Christian Post is doing a 4 part series on my right now and the first installment came out today – hope you enjoy them! Let us know what you think. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can find those here.

Weekend with Women’s Leaders in Chicago

Monday, October 27th, 2014
With Meagan Gillan, head of Women Ministries for the Evangelical Covenant Denomination

With Meagan Gillan, head of Women Ministries for the Evangelical Covenant Denomination

With all the presidents of regions for women's ministry

With all the presidents of regions for women’s ministry

Isn’t it great when you think you’re going to serve others and give, and then you realize that while that may have happened too, God had something just for you? Last Friday, Donna and I left bright and early and drove to Chicago. I was invited to do some worship and just meet with the women’s leadership for the Evangelical Covenant denomination at their annual meeting. We got there Friday night and met them at The Compassion Experience, a traveling experience that takes you into the real story of a couple of kids who have been sponsored by Compassion and tells you their story and where they ended up โ€“ it was fascinating and moving and I immediately looked up where it will be this year when I got home. I want to take my kids! If it’s anywhere near you, don’t miss it โ€“ it’s free too, which is always a plus. ๐Ÿ™‚

We had dinner together and frankly, I was a little intimidated by this group as they run women’s ministry for all of the US and Canada for a whole denomination, but I had no reason to be โ€“ what incredible, Godly, sweet, humble, funny women. We had a blast getting to know them!

Saturday morning I did some worship and music for them, and then they were going to do a discernment exercise, basically guided prayer where you are seeking God’s will and direction for future ministry by praying together. They invited me to stay, and I did it with Donna about my ministry. What a wonderful God we serve! He made several things so clear to me that I have been praying about and wrestling over for some time. It was so sweet of Him, and it really touched my heart. I felt like I had come to do this ministry for these women, but God had me there just to speak to me about our direction!

We ended the weekend talking to a pastor’s wife about a ministry event who also happened to be one of Donna’s oldest friends. Can’t really have a better meeting than that โ€“ she was so much fun! We even got to stop by Donna’s alma mater, Wheaton, to see how everything had changed. Add to that the spectacular color on the trees the entire way home, and that was a pretty amazing weekend.

My Worship Article Published Again

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Ministry Best Practices has republished my article “Why Has My Congregation Stopped Singing?” They did a slightly abbreviated version of it – you can check that out here!

A New Sister-in-Law

Sunday, October 19th, 2014
Andy and Katie listening to the toasts

Andy and Katie listening to the toasts

On a personal note, I just had to share that I gained another (my third!!) sister named Katie yesterday. My brother Andy got married this weekend and we are just thrilled for them. Welcome to the family!

Women’s Retreat with the Missionary Churches

Sunday, October 5th, 2014
At the Missionary Churches retreat

At the Missionary Churches retreat

I had the great privilege to do the women’s retreat for the East Central District of the Misisonary Church this past weekend, and what fun to be back with them! I had done their retreat a couple of years ago, and so many of these women are people I’m excited to get to hang out with in heaven. Just a blessing to have more time with them here on earth! We learned about God’s power to transform us into people He can use, and it was wonderful to hear all the feedback about how God was speaking to people that weekend. Hope to be back with them soon!

Sensory Awareness Month!

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

It’s Sensory Awareness Month! Many of you know that we have been through SPD with our son, Toby, and that is the topic of my book “Life Not Typical: How Special Need Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song.” This month there are several places featuring an article I wrote and my video for special needs families called “Your Child.” Here’s a link to one of them – I’d love to hear what you think of the article!

Lakeside Retreat and Old Fort Church

Monday, September 29th, 2014
At Old Fort Church

At Old Fort Church

This past weekend was a lot of fun and beautiful too! I was up at Lakeside Chatauqua in Ohio with the women from Northside Christian Church to do their women’s retreat. It was such a fun group because they are a smaller church and had done this together for years. There were so many solid friendships and it was just a pleasure to get to know them. It’s not a bad setting either! Lakeside is just beautiful and super quirky as well. The houses are historic and it’s so fun just to walk around and see all the different styles and the beautiful lake! We had a great time learning about the life of Peter together. Apparently I forgot to take pictures there – so sad because it was gorgeous!

On Sunday morning my mom and I got up really early and left for Old Fort Church in Tiffin, OH. Their music director, Mike, has done sound for me on a couple of women’s retreats up in that area, and when I told him I was going to be at Lakeside, he invited me to do some guest worship and music on their morning services. It was a God appointment morning, really. This congregation just had some extremely sad and difficult news, and I had planned to sing โ€œSomedayโ€ which was pretty spot on for what they were going through. I’m so glad I got to bring a little encouragement from the Lord and I am praying for that whole situation โ€“ it’s tough.

This weekend was contrasts for me โ€“ one beautiful and fun event, and one deep and hard event, but both places it was so clear that God was working. I love that He lets me come along for the ride!

New Songs, Nicaragua, and Hitting 50,000

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Just a couple of things happening around here lately. First, I’ve been commissioned to write several sets of Scripture memory songs for kids (18 to be exact) this year, and also to produce and manufacture them. We will combine these sets with the previous sets and put them on on one CD, so it will be a total of 30 Scripture songs and 9 other Christian kids’ songs. We do these for Adventure Week (aka VBS) at a church here in Columbus. I’ll let you know when they’re done, and for all of you who have danced to the famous “Elvis Does Philippians” song in one of my concerts, you know they’ll be good. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can find all of our previous kids’ songs in my store.

Secondly, we’ve just finalized plans to go to Nicaragua with Compassion this November. We’re super excited to see their work first hand in the field! Many of you know this is a relatively new partnership for us, and so far we are thrilled with all we’re learning about them. I’m sure I’ll have lots of pictures and updates when we get back! Interested in changing a life forever? You can sponsor a child here.

And finally, the video for our song “Your Child” just keeps going! It celebrates families dealing with disability, and last week sometime we hit over 50,000 views when I wasn’t even looking. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have you shared it yet? You can find it here.

Article about Special Needs

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

This is an article I wrote after our Joni and Friends Retreat in Murrietta, California this summer.

Who Will Push Me?

โ€œI do wonder about the future. Zach is our only child. What happens to him when we’re old? What happens to us? Who will take care of him if we die?โ€

I was sitting in a circle of moms at a Joni and Friends Family Retreat. Founded by Joni Eareckson Tada, the retreats serve families who are living with a disability. I had been invited to the one in Murrietta, CA to provide a concert and women’s event during the week, and had brought my family with me. The woman speaking had a 15 year old son with cerebral palsy. He has very little use of his hands and arms and is in a wheelchair. He’s also a charmer who made friends with my 15 year old daughter and called her โ€œJulietโ€.

Another mom spoke. โ€œI feel alone so often. It’s such a blessing to sit here and know there are other parents dealing with the things we are experiencing. But we have no community at home. And since our last church didn’t work out either, my husband is discouraged about trying another one.โ€ Her daughter, Sarah, was autistic and they’d been informed by two churches that their presence was โ€œtoo disruptiveโ€ to other church goers.

It’s a hard place to be. When my son was really suffering before his diagnosis, and then afterward with all the fear and therapy and unknowns, I remember being profoundly lonely, thinking no one else had a child like mine. I remember the constant worry about his future and about ours.

But there wasn’t just fear here. There was so much love and strength and fun! These parents had learned a new definition of love and sacrifice and patience, and the families were amazing. The night of my concert, I invited anyone who wanted to dance to come down to the front, and that building was literally rocking! We had wheelchair dancing and practically a mosh pit of jumping and dancing and praising God. It was the most fun I’d had in a long time, and I wished more people could see how much these families had to share.

When I look back on that week and think about all my friends back home who are parenting special needs children, I realized something in a new way. These families have so much to give, but they often aren’t allowed to. And these families are fragile and need the Church, and yet they often feel that there is no place for them there.

When you realize that you are the only one who understands your child’s medically fragile situation, suddenly there is terror when thinking about an accident or illness. Your situation has upped the ante. A friend of mine died unexpectedly and tragically a couple of weeks ago. Everyone’s first thought was the shock and sadness of it for us and her family, but everyone’s second thought was, โ€œOh my goodness, what will happen to her son?โ€ He has profound disabilities, and without his mom, his life is suddenly much less certain.

This is an area where the Church needs to step up. We are usually amazing in a situation of crisis. When someone has an accident or goes to the hospital or gets cancer, we go into Church mode. We bring meals, we run in 5K’s to raise money, we watch kids, we take laundry home. But when the situation is long term or uncomfortable, we don’t do as well. If a family member’s disability is distracting to the church service, the family may not feel welcome. If the needs of the family are going to last for 10, 20, or even 50 years, it seems like a lot of trouble, or we just forget what they are going through every day.

The Sunday after the Family Retreat, I was presenting at a church in Pasadena. That church also happens to be the home church of several of the families who were at retreat, including Zach’s. It has a major ministry to families with disability. They made inclusion a part of their mission. They have dedicated Sunday School classes for children with autism and even a sensory room in their children’s wing. They have a section in their auditorium reserved for families with disability, which means the families connect and have the support of other parents who understand the challenges. It also means that behaviors or differences are understood by the congregation. There’s even a specific spot for Zach’s wheelchair and service dog.

That is a big church, and I know that many smaller churches are struggling to know how to serve this population, but it is possible. The easiest way to know how to help is to ask the family. We have found people to be very open about what their kids need and about what would help them if people would just ask. And I have seen over and over that churches who intentionally step into this space will attract the families who need them. Over five percent of school-aged children in the US are living with a disability. This is not a small population, and they need the Church! Jesus told us to serve the least of these. He would not have turned away when it wasn’t easy or convenient to do so.

Zach’s mom told me that he had recently asked her who would push him in heaven. He’d never known anything but his wheelchair, so it hadn’t occurred to him that he wouldn’t need one. Praise God that Zach won’t need anyone to push him in heaven! But while he is here on earth, his parents are blessed to know that there are others beside themselves who are willing. Other families need to know that too.

Jennifer Shaw is a Telly Award winning speaker, author, singer, songwriter, and five-time Billboard Top 40 artist. Her ministry has been featured by Focus on the Family, Insight for Living, FamilyLife Today, Autism Speaks, Joni and Friends, and many more. Her new book, โ€œLife Not Typical: How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song,โ€ has brought national attention to the issue of Sensory Processing Disorder.