Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Article in The Examiner

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

I had this article come out this week in The Examiner. Check it out!

A fun review!

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Here’s a fun review I got this week – hope you enjoy it. 🙂

God is With Us

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

This is part of the update email I sent out yesterday – thought it might be helpful to others. If you’d like to get the email, you can sign up here.


She’s one of my oldest and dearest friends. We’ve grown up together – known each other since we were five, call each other every day. And this week she’s had absolutely devastating news. The kind where you can’t catch your breath, you can’t believe it’s true, you don’t know how to get through the day. I’ve been some of the places she is right now, and it kills me to see her hurting like this. How do I help here? How can we know God is with us, even in the midst of this terrible tragedy?

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:26-27)

When she first told me, she said, “I can’t feel God. I know He’s here, but I can’t feel Him.” (Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.”) She said, “I can’t even pray, I don’t know what to pray. But I know the Holy Spirit is praying for me.” (Romans 8:26 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us.”)

And God gave me John 14:26-27. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the verse about the Holy Spirit reminding us of what He has said to us. My friend would answer her own questions with truths from Scripture, and that was the Holy Spirit with her. It was like He was telling her, “Maybe you can’t feel me right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m not here. Maybe you can’t pray, but you don’t have to, I will.” And by reminding her of the truths she knows, He proved that He is with her, even in this terrible place.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

As we hide God’s word in our hearts and seek Him every day, He meets us. Our smallest turn toward Him is met by His running, joyful acceptance. How He longs to be with us!

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.” (Isaiah 30:18)

Do not forget today that God is with you. He is Emmanuel, God with us. Whether it’s the best day of your life, or the worst, He is there. And that makes all the difference.

Guest Lecturing at Capital University

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Today was an interesting day. I went down to Capital University and did a guest lecture for their “Music Industry Applied Studies” course. Russ Nagy is their regular professor, and he asked me to come in and basically do a q&a about whatever aspect of the industry the students were interested in.

I had a great time with them – I haven’t been in a classroom since I stopped teaching at Cedarville University, and it was fun to get back. Also fun because they had great questions – how to book a show, how does radio work, how do you use social media (well, for starters, write a blog!! HA!), how do you know a good producer, etc. So, thanks Capital for having me, hope it was helpful!

Happy Birthday, Young Life!

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

40 Never Looked Better

Cliffhanger Yodeler

Young Life in Columbus turned 40 this year, and they had a pretty smashing birthday party to celebrate.  I love this ministry, and to make it more fun, it was started here in Columbus by my dad, Dave Chilcoat.  My brother, Mike, is now the metro director, and they do awesome work.  Young Life is a ministry to high school students, and they’ve changed countless lives for the Lord.

Last night we got together with about 700 of Young Life’s closest friends at the Renaissance hotel downtown, and celebrated 40 years of ministry.  They had their trademark hilarious skits, and Jim Tressel, the coach of the OSU football team gave the keynote.  I got to close the evening with my song, “God Loved the World”.  I loved ending with that song, because it is the gospel, and exactly the message Young Life is giving to young people.

Happy Birthday, Young Life!!

CTVN – Focus 4

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Today I had a great opportunity to go to the old stomping grounds of my parents.  I was on the show “Focus 4” at CTVN, which is just outside of Pittsburgh.  My parents met at U. of Pitt, and I went there a lot as a kid.  Young Life moved my dad to Columbus, OH, but it never took the Pittsburgh out of him, and my brothers latched onto that – in my house, not rooting for ANY Pittsburgh team meant getting beaten up by your brothers.  In a loving way, of course!  🙂

So imagine my surprise when I get to the show and realize that the other guest is the owner of both the Pirates and the Penguins!!  My brothers would have loved to be there.  And, thanks to them, I didn’t have to look TOO stupid!

Had a great time with Ron and Cathy on the show, we had an interview and I did 3 songs.  Can’t wait to go back!  Just a very warm, friendly place there, and I love their heart for ministry.

“Off the Bookshelf”

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

I was the guest on Greg Bullen’s radio show “Off the Bookshelf” on WMPC in Lapeer, MI yesterday – he told me we should rename the show “Off the CD” just for the day in my honor. Great guy, really fun show, and such a heart for ministry. Thanks for having me!

Couple of nice reviews

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

A couple of nice reviews came in this week for Love Broke Through. Check them out here:

Three Different Directions

Shop With Me Mama

New Hope

Monday, March 1st, 2010

With the women of New Hope

Just finished an awesome weekend with the women from New Hope church. I am totally exhausted – we’ve been running like crazy for weeks now with the new album, and after this retreat Friday and Saturday, I led worship this morning, went to a baby shower and a soccer game, and am pretty much in total collapse mode. But it really was so wonderful to be with those women and watch the Lord moving.

We had the retreat at Cherry Valley Lodge and it’s so beautiful. Tammy Smith was the speaker, and I did a concert Friday night and led the worship for all the sessions. Tammy had great things to say. I was also so very touched by the women there – the ones who were working so hard to make it beautiful for the other women, and the ones who came with their hearts so open to what the Lord had for them on the weekend.

I was also touched because there were about 100 women there, and we still got 18 World Vision kids sponsored – that is incredible! And those kids lives are entirely changed. Altogether a great, great weekend. 🙂


Thursday, February 25th, 2010

With Chris Grinrod at WEEC

A live song in studio C

Had a great visit in Springfield, OH today. It’s home turf for me – only an hour or so from my house which was good because the weather was not! But I still got there and had a lovely time with Chris Grinrod and the other people at WEEC. I was on their request hour live show and did a couple of songs, as well as an interview. So fun to be with everyone there!