Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The Honeymoon continues…

Thursday, March 10th, 2016
Look at the amazing Legos they've built!

Look at the amazing Legos they’ve built!

We taught him Uno and now he kills us all

We taught him Uno and now he is obsessed!

The famous red hand stamp makes it official - he's now our son!

The famous red hand stamp makes it official – he’s now our son!

Getting gifts at the going away party at his orphanage

Getting gifts at the going away party at his orphanage

The pagoda and pier in the harbor at Qingdao, Noah's home city

The pagoda and pier in the harbor at Qingdao, Noah’s home city

We've already learned that Noah loves Kung Fu Panda, so you know this was super exciting when we saw it on the way to dinner!

We’ve already learned that Noah loves Kung Fu Panda, so you know this was super exciting when we saw it on the way to dinner!

Some of the people who stopped and asked for a picture with the American family

Some of the people who stopped and asked for a picture with the American family

Beauty meets smog - those buildings in the background are not that far away

Beauty meets smog – those buildings in the background are not that far away

We're seeing hilarious English on T-shirts - this is a good example, but we wish we'd caught our favorite on camera - the girl walking down the street with the shirt saying ACNE in huge letters.

We’re seeing hilarious English on T-shirts – this is a good example, but we wish we’d caught our favorite on camera – the girl walking down the street with the shirt saying ACNE in huge letters.

 A shot down the side street of a Hutong neighborhood

A shot down the side street of a Hutong neighborhood

Daming Lake in Jinan - beautiful in spite of the smog

Daming Lake in Jinan – beautiful in spite of the smog

One of many bridal couples we saw out getting pictures

One of many bridal couples we saw out getting pictures

Well, it’s been several days, and all I have to say is the honeymoon continues. It’s really funny – all of the kids have come to me and said something along the lines of “I can’t believe we’ve only had Noah with us for two days! I can’t remember what it was like before!” And really, I’m not quite there in that I do remember, but I have to say, he is fitting in better and happier than I ever thought he could be.

I could tell he didn’t sleep much that first night (and I could tell because I didn’t sleep much
either!) but he woke up happy and we had a lazy first morning getting breakfast and packing up because we knew it would be a very long afternoon. Our adoption had already been pushed back a day and then we were supposed to go this morning, but we got word that another worker needed in the process had to push us back to the afternoon.

Adoption day was crazy. And kind of a nightmare. But we got it all done, and that’s what counts. We left right on time, and drove about an hour to get signatures notarized, then drove an hour back to register the adoption where we found another worker had gone into a meeting with her supervisor and was unavailable. We waited about 2 hours for her and finally registered the adoption, but that put us into rush hour, and that meant we weren’t able to drive the hour needed to get to the passport office and file before they closed. John told us we would have to stay another night in Jinan and do it in the morning, but I was getting really concerned – it takes 11 days to get a passport, and if we can’t get it, everything, our US consulate appointment, Noah’s visa, everything would be pushed back and that meant changing our returns, which costs tons of money and affects the kids’ school, Nathan’s work, everything. John said they would try to do it on time, but still. We started praying right there in the van and John’s phone rang – one of the men at the passport office talked 3 colleagues into staying an extra hour and a half just to process Noah’s passport because he likes John. Seriously! So kind!

So we rushed across town (as much as you can rush in rush hour) and had to run up the steps to the passport building. Nathan caught up with Noah after the first eight or nine steps and carried him, but I was still alarmed to see that with that, his whole face went pale and blue and he started weaving – I was sure he was going to pass out. He wasn’t even phased – I think this happens to him all the time and he’s very used to the feeling – but it sure scared me. We are learning lots of things about him these couple of days and some of the most obvious ones are that he’s not going to let much stop him, and also that he doesn’t have much choice because he really is very sick.

After registering the passport, we still had to drive another hour to the train station (this city is enormous, and crazy populated and we just seem to keep crossing the whole thing). We thought we were going to have a wait for the train, but John got us on an earlier one to try to get us in in time to sleep so we ended up running with all our bags through the station trying to make the train. And of course, now we know Noah cannot run. Absolutely cannot. He can do a fast walk for about 2 minutes and then he is just done. So we’re trying to get everyone there, down multiple flights of steps with all our luggage, Nathan’s running back and forth grabbing bags, trying to keep the kids with us all while I’m trying to get Noah to the train and we finally leap on, have everyone and all our stuff and heave a huge sigh of relief – can’t even believe we made it! So stressful. And then the train is delayed. For about 30 minutes. And we could have walked and gotten a snack and used the potties. But anyway, we’re on the train. We got in so late and checked in and John left and we got up to the room and realized there’s this kind of horrible chemical smell, but we know no one can talk to us and it’s so late and so in the end we decide to just hope we won’t die, put the kids in the better room and go to sleep. It was that kind of day.

This morning we went to see Noah’s orphanage. Noah lived there until his first surgery and was at the hospital and at the orphanage off and on until he was 3 and has been living with his foster family ever since. He goes back to the orphanage often for health checks and paperwork and things, and it was incredibly touching to see how much they cared about him and how comfortable he was with everyone there.

We thought they were just going to give us a tour, but when we got there, they had organized a going away party for him! They had a cake and a huge sign for him and many of the workers came including his baby nanny and the foster care coordinator and the director of the orphanage. There were also a few of the other children there, and I actually recognized one of the older boys from our agency’s wait list – it made me so sad because he looked so very hopeless and resigned, and I know that it’s very rare for an older boy to be adopted, especially with health needs. I’ve been praying for him and the other waiting kids from our agency, and will be thrilled if I see him matched. They thanked us again and again and told us how happy they were for Noah, and what a wonderful chance it was for him to have a stable family.

They also gave us essentially gold – someone there had taken an incredible amount of time putting together not one but 3 photo albums of Noah’s whole life with captions and everything. It was amazing! I cried – I had been hoping for a few pictures, maybe one from each year as I had heard some people got and trying not to have my hopes too high, and this was more than I’d ever hoped for! And it showed such love. I know that his life was not easy, but he was loved here.

Frankly, it was the nicest orphanage I’ve ever seen and the people there seemed to genuinely to care for and love the kids. And for that, I am so thankful, and so grateful to them for what they’ve done for my son and for the other kids in their care. But even then, it is still an orphanage. They had shown us the room Noah lived in until he was two, and it was a small, clean, bright room with 20 cribs. There were babies lying there and when they cried someone came (which doesn’t happen at all in many orphanages) but it might take a while and the babies were going to spend most of their time alone in their crib. It’s just the way it is. Babies do not belong in orphanages. Children do not belong there. I know in my heart that every one of the workers in that orphanage would agree with me – they couldn’t have responded to our coming the way they did if they didn’t.

After that we left and went to see Noah’s “finding spot” – the place where they found him as a baby. His police report was very specific, so I was able to stand there, and to take pictures if he wants them someday. Standing there was surreal – I was thinking how cold it would have been that time of year, and how desperate you must be to walk away from your baby. I can’t say more about that – it’s too hard.

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking around the city, but Noah was getting a little sad. He recognized many of the places as places he’d been with his foster parents. So we went back to the hotel and got dinner and just decided to watch a movie and cuddle together.

Two funny things. One, we went out to dinner and as soon as we had walked a couple of blocks we realized it was too cold and windy to go very far and Noah was really dragging after the long day so we just picked a restaurant at random that was close. We spent at least 20 minutes with the kindest, most patient waiter who was attempting to use translation software on his phone that wasn’t working at all trying to figure out our order. We finally thought we had it, but he still had some question that I clearly wasn’t getting, and wasn’t getting, when Noah made some comment under his breath. The waiter looked at him in disbelief when he realized he spoke Mandarin after all this trouble and they had this exchange which we didn’t understand at all, but given the body language we’re pretty sure it went like this,

Waiter: Are you kidding me?! You speak Chinese?!
Noah: Yep!
Waiter: This whole time I’ve been struggling to talk to them. Is this your family?
Noah: Yep!
Waiter: Then what is going on?! Why aren’t you helping me?!
Noah: I can’t talk to them either!
Waiter: (sighed and muttered in English) Whatever.

We all died laughing, and the waiter even smiled.

Second, we now know Noah loves to sing. This is very good in our family, but he’s started singing all kinds of random English phrases which is absolutely hilarious. So he’ll be walking around singing, “Hhhheeeeelllllpppp meeeeee! Yellow and blue!!!! Oh yea, wow, wow, wow!!!! Go to schooooooool!!!!!” I find it very endearing how much he’s trying to learn English, and the singing is just cracking me up! This morning he woke up singing in Chinese, but at least it was a phrase we knew – he was singing “Chi fan, chi fan, chi fan” which means, “I’m hungry, I’m hungry, I’m hungry” over and over and since we could relate, we took him to breakfast. 🙂

First Day With Noah

Monday, March 7th, 2016
Lego is a great ice breaker for new siblings!

Lego is a great ice breaker for new siblings!

Out of focus, but high five from dad for a game of tic tac toe won!

Out of focus, but high five from dad for a game of tic tac toe won!

At our first dinner together - Toby is quite a bit taller, but they were about the same sitting down, and Noah liked that - kept measuring himself again Toby

At our first dinner together – Toby is quite a bit taller, but they were about the same sitting down, and Noah liked that – kept measuring himself again Toby

New ge ge (big brother) and di di (little brother) drawing silly pictures on the magna doodle

New ge ge (big brother) and di di (little brother) drawing silly pictures on the magna doodle

We got safely into Beijing Saturday night China time, spent the night and then took a bullet train to Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province where Noah is from. We have to adopt him here, and so we met him here. There was a delay because someone in the civil service office was out of town, so we had to wait an extra day here. That was hard, but we have been told it likely won’t affect our paperwork (which is very important as our entire schedule, plane tickets, etc. are all already set and paid for based on the first schedule), but we figure God’s got the timing. In the end it was probably good, because the extra day really helped all of us adjust our body clocks and that was important because we needed it tonight!

How do I say how it went? God was so good to us and all the prayers for Noah’s fear and feeling of safety seem to have been answered! He looked sort of shell-shocked when he got to our room, and really looked like he wasn’t even sure what was happening, but he wasn’t scared. He didn’t want much to do with us at the beginning. He said I didn’t look quite like my picture and that Nathan was very tall. He stayed very close to John, our translator, at the beginning and was trying not to cry a few times, but overall he was amazingly calm and brave. He seemed to warm up fairly quickly and was very interested in the letters we brought from our Chinese friends Fanny, Cindy, and FeiXiang and seemed very happy to know that there were people in his new hometown who could talk to him right away. He wanted to hear about his school and the hospital and was nervous about surgery. He also told us he is very excited about our dogs and that he would have siblings because “it would never be boring alone stuff” at our house.

Then we showed him one of the small Lego sets we brought for him, and he immediately said he wanted to put it together with ge ge (his older brother) and then seemed really happy that the girls wanted to do it too. The four of them put it together on the bed next to us while we did paperwork. The adoption worker with him was very nervous for him, and wanted to make sure that we understood not to tax his heart, and for sure, we’ve already seen that if he walks too fast or climbs stairs his lips turn blue. This is a problem because he’s also clearly a boy and has places to go! When we are walking with him, he wants to get there! Our cardiologist in the States has told us that we can’t hurt him – his body will simply stop and rest if he’s overtaxed himself and it won’t harm his heart – but it still makes his caretakers here nervous. It makes us nervous too, and we’re taking it slow and happy we brought a stroller for him.

We had to walk to a photographer and have official pictures taken for his adoption paperwork tomorrow. Then we were done, and everyone left. We showed him how to play Uno, and he seemed a little concerned that he didn’t understand but was almost immediately teasing everyone, and saying, “Yea!” every time someone played a Draw 2 or Draw 4 on someone else. He wanted to play a number of times and seemed to really like it. We went to dinner and that went well, stopped at the supermarket to buy water and he was willing to hold my hand when we crossed the street.

Back at the hotel we played one more game of Uno and watched a little bit of Robin Hood and then everyone took showers. Rachel showed him how to play Temple Run on her kindle and now the whole family knows how to say “jump!” and “duck!” in Mandarin. We told him it was time to take a shower and brush his teeth and he did great and didn’t even seem to think it was too weird. We put him to bed next to Toby and they both went right to sleep.

I don’t think it’s possible that it could have gone any better. I know we are in what adoption people call “the honeymoon phase” and I know at some point he will start grieving. His foster family wrote us a heartbreaking letter and told us what a blessing he’d been to them for 7 years – I can’t even imagine. They were very good to him, and the only family he’s known and he just left them this morning. He was clearly trying to be good and fit in with us and even be a little silly.

We think the the biggest problem is going to be communication. He’d obviously smart and wants to talk and tell us lots of stuff, and we’re all frustrated that he can’t and that we can’t. But he was already saying a few numbers and colors when we were playing Uno and a few phrases he’d obviously learned in English class like “Go to school!” whenever we’d say “Let’s go.”

I don’t really know what I’m feeling tonight. I wish we could talk to him, but I’m so thankful that he at least doesn’t seem scared of us at all. Scared of the US, sure. Scared about surgery, definitely. But not scared of us, and that is a tremendous answer to prayer.

I will blog more later about China when there’s time and space for it and it’s easier to get pictures up. Some very interesting experiences for us, especially as in this city of 8 million people, Caucasians are rare enough that everyone was stopping, staring, sometimes following us, taking pictures and video of us, and even asking if they could pose for pictures with our family. It was pretty uncomfortable but also kind of funny, especially the woman who tracked us from the adjoining aisle through the entire grocery store staring without ceasing over the shelves as if covering up the lower two thirds of her made her invisible to us. The octopus on a stick. The smog that makes your eyes water as soon as you step outside and means many people routinely wear masks. The incredible beauty and contrast we’ve already seen between the ultra modern and the ancient butting right up against each other. We’ve only been here a few days, and it’s already been an amazing experience. But right now, I’m about done emotionally, and so we’ll go to bed and adopt Noah tomorrow and see what the day brings.

Please keep praying for us! This is going to be a big transition, but we’re all happy to have a new di di (little brother) in the family!

Last Day BC (Before China)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
Noah, here we come

Noah, here we come

What a strange feeling. How to sum up what you’re thinking on your last day in the States before traveling to China to meet your new son? Terrifying. Exhausting. So excited! Teary about everything. So. Much. To. Do.

So, I’m just taking a second to reflect. One year ago today, literally, on March 3rd, 2015 my husband was having his normal quiet time when he says he felt gut-punched by this in John 21: “Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’” Nathan said it was like he’d never read it before. Like God just leveled him and said, “Nathan, if you love me, take care of my sheep.” He got up and told me we needed to look at adoption right now.

Let me back up a bit. I’ve been doing this ministry of speaking and music for about 10 years now. Almost from the beginning we have partnered with different groups advocating for children in need. Children in poverty. Children in trafficking. Orphans. God has placed that burden on both of our hearts, and Nathan and I have had some incredible opportunities to travel around the world and see how these kids are really living. We’ve seen what needs to be done and what can happen when Jesus’ people step out in faith and love people radically, not just with words, but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18).

My heart’s been open for a long time to adoption, but Nathan wasn’t there, and I knew we needed to be in agreement. We worked to get kids sponsored and sponsor a lot of kids ourselves. Then, in November of 2014, we went to Nicaragua with Compassion and when we came home, Nathan said, “I think it’s time we talked about adoption seriously.”

Then I was the one with cold feet. What, now? Our kids were 16, 13, and 10. Our life was busy but frankly easier. The kids are very independent. We love our time with them and are very close. What if we mess this up? Why mess with a good thing? Let’s be real – I was afraid.

2 Tim. 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

I told Nathan we should pray about it. And we did. And felt we were supposed to look into it, but when I got to all the paperwork, all the hoopla, all the MONEY, holy cannoli, I can’t do this! And I was afraid.

2 Tim. 1:7 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

Then came March 3rd. Nathan came and told me he was just feeling this burden – we couldn’t wait. Of course, now we know that it’s because of Noah – they were doing his paperwork to list him again in November, right when we were in Nicaragua talking about adopting, and the Chinese government had given our agency only until May to find him a family. After that, they were going to pull his file because the chance of him being matched was too low to justify the paperwork. His time was running out.

We prayed and there was such a peace, because God reminded me that I’m not the one who’s going to do it – He is. We started praying right them for our child, that He would bring us exactly who He had for our family and that we would know it.

All along Nathan and I knew we were interested in adopting a child who would have a harder time being placed. We have older children – we aren’t afraid of that. When we’re in other countries, we’re often playing with older kids who don’t speak our language, and they are great. We knew we wanted to look at older kids. I was afraid of major medical, but I decided to leave that in God’s hands. He knew who He had for us.

About a month later we had an agency and they had sent me to look at a few waiting children in Uganda. They have their waiting children listed on a page that is alphabetical by country, so I had to scroll through China to get to Uganda. I was scrolling, and I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, “Stop. Look at that boy.”

I stopped and saw Noah for the first time. Of course, at the time I didn’t know Noah was my son, but I read his description and thought if someone had written a description of my son, Toby, that would have been it. He was two years younger than Toby, he loves legos and reading and school and soccer. Only one scary thing – he had a bad heart.

We decided to pray about him and moved on. I was not feeling like I wanted to deal with his heart. Three days later I was on a site that has over 3000 waiting kids and again, I was scrolling when I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, “Stop. Look at that boy.” I did, and I was halfway through the description before I realized this was the same boy, it was just a different picture.

Well, that was it really. We asked for his file and started praying about it seriously. At the time, we were told his heart had been fixed and he would just be a little less active than other boys. We got matched officially. And then the next day a cardiologist sat us down and told us how serious it was. It’s very serious. Not at all what we were thinking. And it felt like a death sentence for one of our kids. We were devastated, and went home, but Nathan said to me, “How could we ever live with ourselves if we said no to this boy?” and he was absolutely right. And my immediate thought was clearly from the Lord. It was this: Our job here is not to live a long time. Our job here is to know Jesus. And if we could help this boy know Jesus, we would be giving him eternal life, whether his life here is long or short. So we said yes.

That was last May. We were matched about two weeks before Noah’s deadline. It’s been a long year. Lots of waiting. Lots of praying. Praying that it won’t be too late for him to have surgery as the wait goes on and on, praying that he’ll know immediately that we are safe and love him, praying that he’ll be able to love us back, praying that he’ll know Jesus.

And now, suddenly, here we are. We leave tomorrow. We fly literally to the other side of the world, sleep one night and take a train and then poof, we’re there! He’s there. It’s unbelievable. Pretty soon I can stop imagining how it will be because I will know. Pretty soon I’ll know what size he wears and how active he can be and what he likes to eat, how his hair feels when I ruffle it, whether he’s a hugging kid or more of a high-fiver. These are all things we’ll know. In just a few days he’ll legally be our son. I can start talking about “the boys” because Toby will have a brother. Crazy stuff, that.

This year has been a lesson for me. A lesson in patience. A lesson in trusting God. A lesson in serving and being willing even when my heart doesn’t feel willing. A lesson in being brave. A lesson that God can make you brave even when you know you are a coward. And a reminder over and over and over that this is a precious child of God who is valuable! He is and will be a blessing.

Psalm 127:3 “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.”

We are going thousands and thousands of miles for one little boy with an imperfect heart. Jesus literally came down from heaven for you and me, and he did it even though our imperfections can’t even be numbered.

He loves these kids. They didn’t ask to be orphans. They are a blessing and they are His. And we love Jesus, so yes, we will take care of one more of His sheep. And I know we will be blessed doing it.

Last events to Bring Noah Home

Sunday, February 21st, 2016
Setting up at Beautiful Savior

Setting up at Beautiful Savior

My husband's awkward angle from the side at Bethel  :)

My husband’s awkward angle from the side at Bethel 🙂

This past week has been busy. We’re definitely in a hurry up and wait kind of place with the adoption – paperwork needed yesterday, and then nothing for several days. Waiting and waiting until appointments confirm and then a flurry of travel planning. But this past week I also did several events which were a lot of work and also a blessing!

Last weekend I went and shared about our adoption at my old church during their Sunday services. There are so many people there whom we love, and they’ve been so supportive of this ministry over the years, we just wanted to keep them in the loop. I sang a new song I wrote recently for Noah too, and that was very well received. They had a time of prayer for us too which was very sweet.

Then yesterday was a marathon of a day. I went to Beautiful Savior Church up in Powell about 20 minutes north of my house and did a women’s conference on the book of Esther. We had such a great time and had many kids sponsored which always says so much about a church’s heart, I think. They were great to work with and Esther is one of my favorites, so it was a wonderful morning!

Then I headed home, ate something, changed and packed again and then headed out to Bethel Church about 15 minutes south of my house. Bethel graciously offered to host us for a benefit concert for our adoption we called “Bring Noah Home.” They are a wonderful church, and we’ve had ties with them literally throughout my entire life. The pastor there now, Jerry, met the Lord in my dad’s Young Life club, and when he introduced me he said, “I’ve known Jennifer since before she was born.” Lol! It was a wonderful night, and again, we have just been blown away by the care and prayers people have given us and the support for Noah – it was amazing. We appreciate you so much, Bethel!

And then this morning I got up and thought, “Wait, that’s it. That’s my last event as a mom of three.” Our next big thing is to go get Noah. It’s a little shocking! But I can’t wait to meet him!

Awesome Michigan Weekend and ADOPTED!

Friday, February 5th, 2016
The women at Rothbury Community Church in Michigan

The women at Rothbury Community Church in Michigan

At Saranac Community Church in MI

At Saranac Community Church in MI

Originally, we had hoped to be going to get Noah at Christmas time. Because of that, I hadn’t booked any events after December 15th, just not knowing what our schedule would be. Then, because of paperwork delays and then Chinese New Year, etc., etc., it soon became clear that we were more likely to be going in March.

This is hard because people plan their events out farther, and it’s been really tough not knowing when we were going to be out of the country! Well, when we realized we were going to be around, I started praying that God would open some doors so I wasn’t just twiddling my thumbs for two months, and also because we were realizing that it would be really helpful if we could raise some more money for our adoption. Almost immediately Rothbury Church asked me if I could still come up and do their women’s dinner, and then the next day Saranac Church asked if I would come up and tell our story at their church just an hour away! Pretty awesome how God works.

I ended up taking my daughter, Rinnah, with me on the weekend and we went a day early and checked out both Hope College and Calvin College. I still can’t believe we are doing this. She’s a junior, so we’re planning ahead, but it’s hard to imagine her leaving home – I love that girl! We had a great time together too. And it was fun for me personally to go back to Hope. That’s where I went for undergrad, where I met my husband, and most significantly, where I first understood the grace of God. Rinnah and I were sitting in chapel, this place where I played my recitals and sang in the choir with my husband-then-boyfriend and I was there with my beautiful daughter who loves Jesus listening to all these college kids in a standing room only chapel singing their hearts out to the Lord, and I was just overwhelmed – how could God bless me any more? And how well I know how little I deserve it. He is so good to me!

The next night at Rothbury was so fun – just lovely ladies and fun to work with them! Several of them had heard me teach at a retreat up there several years ago, which is hilarious because that retreat was the first and only time in my whole career that I lost my voice! God must have been moving, though, because they wanted me to come back! We had a great night together!

Then I headed down to Saranac, a church that I would describe as “small but mighty!” Seriously, I’ve been there several times, and they are a small country church with the biggest hearts ever! They specifically wanted to support our adoption of Noah, and I was so touched by that. So fun to get to hang out with my friend, Tina, too – she organized the event and every time I’m there, she’s such a blessing. Overall a great weekend!

Then, last night I did a women’s conference with my friend, Melissa Spoelstra at her church, Encounter, here in Columbus. I was talking to Melissa about ideas for my couple of months unexpectedly home, and she said, “Let’s put something together!” Melissa is also a speaker and author, so we did an event called “Adopted” and she taught on all of us being adopted by God, and I gave a concert and told our story about Noah. Their church was just so generous to us! They are in a space they have to re-set every time and a huge group of men came out and set everything up just for us and then tore it all down again, and they did it all just to help Noah get home. We were so blessed! These couple of months are reminding me how truly blessed I am to get to know so many amazing people of God! They have made us feel so loved! Sadly, I apparently forgot my camera that night!

Help us Bring Noah Home

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

We so appreciate your prayers, and many people have asked us how they can help! Here are several ways:

If you’re in the Columbus, OH area, come to one of these events, bring your friends, and like and share them!

Feb. 4th at 7 pm at Encounter Church in Dublin, I will be doing a one-night women’s conference called “Adopted” with my good friend and Abingdon Women speaker, Melissa Spoelstra. All proceeds go to support Noah’s adoption and medical expenses. All the info can be found here!

Feb. 20th at 7 pm at Bethel Church in Columbus, I will be doing a family concert that is open to all. All proceeds go to support Noah’s adoption and medical expenses. All the info for that one can be found here!

If you’re not in the Columbus area, you can make a donation to Noah’s adoption and medical expense through PayPal on our contact us page here. If you scroll down a bit to the section that says “Support Jennifer’s Ministry,” you will see the PayPal link and you can leave us a note that it’s for Noah.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help!

Year of the Precious Dragon

Friday, January 1st, 2016
We got some updated pictures of our precious dragon - he looks so grown up!

We got some updated pictures of our precious dragon – he looks so grown up!

Okay, I know that this year is technically the year of the monkey (and if we’re getting super technical, Chinese New Year isn’t until Feb. 8), but since I don’t believe in the Chinese zodiac anyway and I’m in the US and today is our New Year’s, I’m changing the name! For our family, at least, this is the Year of the Dragon. Year of the Precious Dragon, to be precise. 🙂

We haven’t been allowed to release our new son, Noah’s, Chinese name, but I can tell you that it translates to “precious dragon.” What I love about this so much is that dragons are the symbol of China. Our son was abandoned because of his heart condition. No one adopted him because of his heart condition. Special needs children are often abandoned in Chinese society because of the pressures of the One Child Policy. He was not precious in the eyes of China. But to us, he is precious. And to God, he is priceless. God’s love for this boy is unmatched, and I love that his name reminds me that he is precious, and he is from China. He is our precious dragon! His Chinese name will legally become his middle name and Noah will be his first name, but if he wants us to use his Chinese name, we will – we do not want him to lose such an important piece of his identity.

We are likely leaving in six or eight weeks. He will stay with us the entire three weeks we’re in China completing all the paperwork to finalize his adoption and immigration to the US. I can’t wait to meet him!

Here’s a quick overview of our trip:

Day 1-2 Travel via Beijing to the capital of Noah’s province in northern China
Day 3 Meet Noah!
Day 4 Adopt Noah! Apply for his passport.
Day 5-14 Waiting for the passport, so we will do some traveling both to Noah’s hometown and in Beijing to understand more of his history and Chinese culture.
Day 15-19 Fly down to Guangzhou in southern China for Noah’s medical clearance, visa process, and immigration process.
Day 20 or 21 Bring Noah home. 🙂

Article in Crosswalk and Christmas special

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

Hey, all, quick post – we’re doing a Christmas special to support our adoption of Noah. Our Christmas card CDs are marked way down to $35 for 10 which is less than you might pay for a regular card in the store and these have a 3-song Christmas CD tucked inside! Also, for every physical order of a full-length CD or book this Christmas, we’re going to send you a free Christmas CD! And if you download an album, we’ll send you a free download of my Christmas single “Christmas is Forever.” So head over to the store and help us get Noah home!

Speaking of my Christmas single, it’s been really fun to see how many stations have picked that up this Christmas season – we’re on about 60 stations right now that we know of. Feel free to call your station and request the song – that helps more than you know!

And I also had an article come out in this week called “5 Ways to Put the Spirit of Thanksgiving Into Christmas” – you can check that out here!

Pittsburgh Television and Christmas

Sunday, December 6th, 2015
Filming at Cornerstone Television

Filming at Cornerstone Television

Orchard Hill's Women's Christmas Brunch, just a while ago

Orchard Hill’s Women’s Christmas Brunch, just a while ago

Just got back from a couple of days in Pittsburgh. That’s always fun now, because one of my brothers, Mike, and his family moved to Pittsburgh a while back, so it’s always good to get to see them!

Thursday I was back at Cornerstone Television Network to be on their show “Real Life.” I’ve been on several shows produced by Cornerstone, and it was great to be back! They’ve redone all their sets and they looked great! I sang a couple of songs and had an interview about my book and also about our upcoming adoption of Noah, our reasons for choosing to adopt, and God’s faithfulness to us through the whole process. It was a great morning and will air next week. Afterwards my mom and I went down to the strip and had lunch at Pamela’s so you really can’t do better than that. 🙂

We spent some time with Mike’s family and then on Saturday I had a women’s Christmas brunch for Orchard Hill Church. I did this event for them about 5 years ago, and it was just spectacular – I love working with their women’s ministry director, Kay. They have such a heart for outreach, and that is my favorite part of this event – it’s women inviting their moms and sisters and neighbors, and I get to share the love of Christ with them. So fun! Somehow we forgot the camera this time, but since it was in the same ballroom with the same layout, I’m just putting up the picture from last time – add about 50 people or so and make my hair longer (not that you can see it anyway!), and you’ll have it. 🙂

Frightening week for Donna – love your prayers

Sunday, November 29th, 2015
This is so typical of Donna's personality!  Right after having her head shaved and trying a new wig.

This is so typical of Donna’s personality! Right after having her head shaved and trying a new wig.

Many of you have heard me mention my scheduling coordinator, Donna. We’ve worked together for about 4 years now, and she is just a blessing and has become a good friend. Donna told me when I hired her that she has had cancer several times, and it’s really only a matter of time before it comes back. Donna was given 4 months to live about 11 years ago, so that in itself is a miracle of God.

Last year they found a new breast cancer and again, Donna was diagnosed at stage four. This was devastating news, but her faith is amazing. She had surgery before Christmas and then went through chemo and radiation last winter and spring. She was doing well through the summer and fall, but this past week she was visiting a friend in Atlanta and was having absolutely excruciating headaches. Then she started having trouble walking. She flew home with a friend (she told me they almost didn’t let her on the plane because she couldn’t walk in a straight line down the gangway and they thought she was drunk) and immediately went to the ER. She texted me that night that they had found a fairly large tumor in her brain.

That was Tuesday night. I went to see her Wednesday and they were running lots of tests. Clearly, they were trying to figure out how far it had spread to see if surgery was worth the risk. I was leaving town for Thanksgiving, and we had a wonderful time of prayer together. Praise God, they found the cancer was no where else, so they went ahead with surgery. They had to wait for some medication to get out of her system, so her family all brought Thanksgiving dinner down to the hospital and celebrated with her, and then she went in for surgery Friday morning. She did amazingly well, and they felt confident they’d gotten all of that tumor which was just amazing news! She will undergo radiation after Christmas again.

Please keep her and her family in your prayers. While everything went well, as Donna says, it’s getting harder and once it’s in the brain, it’s not a good outlook. She is absolutely my hero, though – God has carried her through and she has such peace! She wanted me to tell people that just because we believe in Christ, it doesn’t mean things will go the way we want them or that we won’t suffer. It does mean, though, that Jesus will be with us and give us peace and hope and joy in the midst of it. Amen, sister! And she is the embodiment of that.

I’ll keep you all updated, but please pray for my Donna – she is precious to me!