Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Encounter church and 1st at States!

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

My daughter shooting - in the middle in the blue shirt with the bun

Their team takes #1!

Speaking at the event for Encounter Church

Fun weekend, this. On Friday, I spent pretty much the whole day at Vets Memorial downtown (Columbus, that is) where they were holding the state tournament for archery. Little disconcerting to be in a room with that many armed children. My daughter’s team made it in, and then, drumroll, please – won the whole thing! Yeppers, we were first in the State! And, the part that was completely hilarious to me was that they made the tournament part of the Arnold Classic. You know, that humongous bodybuilding competition that descends on Columbus every year headed up by none other than Mr Universe/Governor Ah-nold himself. There are people all over Columbus for the entire weekend who are physically unable to put their arms down. Pretty fun people watching to be sure. And my daughter was in this competition, so that means that officially, my little 60 some pound pumpkin not only has deadly aim, but has also competed in the Arnold Classic! She will never live that down.

AND, not just that, but Arnold himself came to the awards ceremony, and despite 6 bodyguards in front and 6 in back (and I ask you – who do you get for a bodyguard who can look remotely threatening at the Arnold Classic?!) she still managed to touch him. Yep. Apparently that was her goal. We are so proud. And glad she wasn’t arrested. So much for his bodyguards, eh?

Then Saturday morning, for something completely different, I did a women’s ministry event for Encounter Church in Dublin, OH. They are a relatively new church plant, and growing quickly and doing some really amazing things for God! I did a ministry presentation, and we had such great feedback – people wanting more information on how to have a relationship with Jesus, and even one woman who was coming out of a hard lifestyle situation telling us that God had answered her questions personally through my ministry. She was so touched that God cared enough to answer her specific questions. It was a really moving day – thanks for having me!

A new intro video

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

We just finished producing a new intro video for this ministry. Just wanted to put it up here – you can find it on my media page under “Introduction”. Hope you enjoy it – let us know what you think!

Leaving Fear Behind

Monday, February 25th, 2013

I just had the one of the longest 24 hour periods of my life.

A couple of weeks ago I had my annual checkup at the OB-GYN and after examining me she told me I should have a mammogram just in case. It was probably nothing, and not to worry.

So I didn’t worry, and I made an appointment. I didn’t really like going through the big “Cancer Center” doors, but I figured that was where they do this kind of testing even when it’s routine and I needed to get over it. They told me I would hear in a week to ten days.

A week later I was thinking through what had to happen that day: several important calls, some email, final planning for an event that weekend, taxi driving for my kids. The phone rang and it was the Cancer Center telling me that they saw something and needed me to come in for further testing.

Right there, all my seemingly important stuff immediately became unimportant.

Let me back up. I remember when my dad was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), he told us that he’d felt like God had been preparing him for something for several years. Lately, I’ve been feeling the same way, as if God has been preparing me. Now, I’m not going to lie, I have obviously been rooting for the scenario where something really big and important was going to happen to me so I would need to be prepared, but I know very well that just as often, the things we are preparing for aren’t pleasant.

I was thinking about this very thing during my Bible study a couple of weeks ago, before any of this happened. The study asked what hard thing we were afraid of, and if we thought we could do it with the Lord’s help. My immediate thought was cancer. And I was surprised and so encouraged that when I tested that in my mind, my first thought was to pray, “Thank you, God – You have changed my heart, and I know that even if I had to go through cancer, I would be okay, because You are big enough, and You would be with me.” How He has changed my heart! I have always struggled with fear, but with all our family has been through, God has taught me over and over that He carries us when we have nothing left, and that even when everything else is gone, He is with us.

So I went back for more testing. They took several pictures and then I waited for the radiologist. They came out and told me they needed more pictures. I waited again. Then one more picture. More waiting. Then a different person came out and told me I needed an ultrasound. At this point, I knew something was up. I was alone in that office, but I was never alone – I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was there with me, and He had the whole situation in His hands.

I watched the screen during the ultrasound and saw the technician zoom in on something large and black. She started marking the dimensions and taking pictures. Well, there it was. I guess this is where we’re going now. Okay, God.

After ten minutes I finally said, “So, that’s what we’re looking at, that black thing?” She said, “Yes,” and then hesitated. “I’m not supposed to say anything to you.” I said, “Oh, of course, sorry.” Then she hesitated again and said, “Black’s good. We like black. But I didn’t tell you.” And she smiled. That was the first time it occurred to me that I could have something, but it could be benign.

Ten minutes later the doctor came in and told me it was nothing to worry about, totally benign, and we didn’t even have to check it again until next year. I’ve never felt such relief, and at the same time, I thought, “Thank you, Lord! I am so grateful that I don’t have to go down this road today, and yet I am so much more thankful to know that if I had, You would have been here with me, and You would have given me and my family everything we needed.”

Isn’t it amazing when God makes us stop and actually see some of the changes He has made in our hearts? I really like to feel in control, and I would love to get to tell the Lord how I would like Him to order my life and the lives around me, but I have learned that that would really not be as great as it sounds. God’s much better at being in charge than I am, and I’m so grateful that He’s taught me to trust Him. How is God teaching you to trust Him today?

Autism Speaks and The Worship Community

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

Some fun things have come out this week as well. Autism Speaks published a guest blog from me as well as the video for “Your Child” which was great – I love all the different paths God is using to get that song out there and increase awareness for Sensory Processing Disorder!

Then, this morning, The Worship Community picked up the article as well and put it in as a health article. Loving it!

Joni and Friends and New Hope Church

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Worship at New Hope

I'm the green and tan dot at the piano. 🙂

I had a great weekend this weekend. I got to do two really fun ministry things, and they were both in my home city, so I got to do all that while hanging out with my family too.

On Saturday I went to a training day for Joni and Friends speakers. They were going to use the “Your Child” video in the conference, and since they knew I was local, they asked me if I would walk in at the end of the video as a surprise and share our family’s story for a bit. It was great to meet some of the people at Joni and Friends whose voices I know from the phone! It was also great to share with these people who are passionate about the rights of people with disabilities and to raise awareness for Sensory Processing Disorder.

Sunday morning, I went to New Hope Church, a church I’ve been with many times, to guest lead the worship on their services and do a little special music and presentation. This was really fun for me because their choir had learned the choir version of my song “God Loved the World” when they found out I was coming. We got to do the song with the choir and an 8 piece band, and that was pretty great for me! It was also just fun to catch up with all the people we know over there – so many friends, and their pastor, Steve, along with my dad married my husband and I.

Update on “Your Child”

Friday, February 1st, 2013

I just had to post this because I am so grateful for the way the Lord is getting our new video for “Your Child” out there! Focus on the Family posted it about two weeks ago on their Facebook’s Pro-Life page and it stayed up at the top for only a couple of hours. We had over 1,700 likes and over 500 shares from that alone! Well, since then it’s been passed on and passed on. Today the video went over 20,000 views, and the comments and mail I am getting just touch my heart. There are so many parents out there in difficult circumstances who are loving their kids sacrificially. They are such a blessing!

Wow, what a weekend in St. Clairsville!

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Speaking on Esther

Leading worship with all these amazing singers!

The youth band who blew me away

Services on Sunday morning

I spent this past weekend at Evangelical Friends Church in St. Clairsville, OH, just on the border of WV outside of Wheeling. This is such a great church – I had an amazing time with them, and man, did they keep me hopping!

On Friday night and Saturday I did a women’s retreat on Esther called “For Such a Time as This.” I think this is my favorite retreat that I do, and the women were wonderful. I also led the worship for the retreat. All weekend I noticed that this church is full of outstanding singers! People were singing harmony all over the congregation and it was so fun to worship with them!

Then Saturday afternoon I sound-checked for the Saturday night “Ignite” service and then spoke and sang on the service after dinner with the worship team. They told me that one of their youth group worship bands was going to open the service. What they didn’t tell me was that they were all 12-14 years old. And they were amazing! Seriously, they did a phenomenal job led by their youth pastor’s wife – I was so impressed. It was hard to get up there after them. 🙂

Sunday morning there were three services and I gave the message and sang on all of them. They had their regular praise team on to do worship and they were also outstanding. I’m seeing a theme here – this is possibly the most musical church I’ve ever been to! I was also impressed by the music director and how many people he gave opportunities to. That’s actually fairly rare, and fun to see. I was so impressed by the humility and friendliness of everyone I met here – they truly made me feel at home. These little glimpses of what the family of God will be like in heaven are so fun, aren’t they?

My favorite moment came at the end, though. Everywhere I go, if it’s possible at all, I present the Gospel. Even when you’re in a church, you never know who’s listening and who has never heard that before. This was a very solid church, and they place a huge emphasis on the Gospel, so I was actually hesitating, thinking, “I’m sure it’s not necessary here. Everyone must know it! I don’t want the pastors to think I think they haven’t said it,” etc., etc. But then I thought, no, you never want to miss an opportunity. You just never know.

So I presented the Gospel, and at the end, the senior pastor came to tell me that they’d had several people come to him after the services and ask to pray with him for salvation. I can’t tell you how much that means to me! I love hearing about how God is changing people’s lives, and to know that He let me have any part of it is the most amazing blessing He could give me. I love Him so much!

Insight for Living with Colleen Swindoll

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Yesterday I did a Skype interview with Colleen Swindoll Thompson who runs the special needs ministry at Insight for Living. She is an amazing woman, and it was so fun to get to share how God has worked in our lives and our families’ lives.

I don’t have an air date for it yet, and I know it will be several months, but after it goes through editing and as soon as they let me know, I’ll let you know! They are doing a whole series of interviews and I am so amazed and humbled to be a part of this list – it includes Joni Eareckson Tada and Emily Colson, two people who I respect so much as well as many others. It’s a little surreal to get to be a part of it.

Also, Special Needs Book Review posted an article about the new video as well. They have been really supportive of my book, and I so appreciated their support for the video too!

Music News Nashville Announces Focus on the Family Debut

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Music News Nashville did a story on the debut of my new video on Focus on the Family’s Facebook page – it’s called, “Jennifer Shaw’s New Music Video Debuts on Facebook to 500k Followers” – you can read the whole article here. Wow, do I feel important! 😉 Seriously, it is absolutely amazing how God is sending this little video out – we had 1500 views just last night! I’m so encouraged. If you haven’t seen it, watch it here.

Focus on the Family!!

Monday, January 7th, 2013

We were told they were going to but not when – I was totally taken by surprise when we found out that Focus on the Family posted my new video for “Your Child” to their Facebook Pro-Life page on Saturday! So exciting – we’ve had so many views on the video that I guess it’s now officially released! 🙂 We put it on the media page if you want to go and check it out!

I’ve just been overwhelmed with the comments and responses so far! I am so grateful that God is using the song to encourage so many families – He is such a good God, and our children are so valuable and such a blessing. Praise the Lord!