Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Tapings at WATC TV, Atlanta, GA

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Mom on the couch on “Right Now!”

Me with Jennifer Schuchmann at WATC TV, Atlanta, GA

Mom and I were up early, and drove about 6 hours to north Atlanta to tape a couple of shows for WATC TV. Mom started – she did an interview for the show “Right Now” with Jennifer Schuchmann about her book. She did a great job, and I’m so proud to see how God is using her!

After mom’s interview, I also taped an episode of “Right Now” with Jennifer, and then we taped several songs for the show which will also to be used on another show “Atlanta Live!” God has really been so good to us both – I never get nervous to sing anywhere, or to speak, but for some reason, TV used to make me really nervous. Neither of us has been nervous for any of these tapings, and we take it as a real answer to prayer. Thank you, God!

"The Rock" at WECC

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

The opening worship band at “The Rock”, WECC

Tonight I went and did the live radio show, “The Rock” at WECC (The Lighthouse) in St Marys, GA. It’s a really cool idea. It’s a live youth concert for about 100 teens that WECC broadcasts live. Most of the kids who were there were not church kids, and it definitely felt more like a rock concert than a youth night. What a cool outreach!

I was talking with one of the leaders who runs the house worship band, and he was telling me how many of the kids come to him and don’t know how to play anything at all. He teaches them an instrument, and about doing worship, and gets them plugged in. With my background in youth ministries, I was really impressed by the way they were thinking outside the box, and reaching a lot of kids for Christ. Way to go!

Did the show, loved the kids, and I’m going to bed – have a long drive tomorrow to get up to Atlanta before a taping.



Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

You know how sometimes God just arranges your life in a lovely way?

I had one free night between radio visits in Palatka, FL and in St. Marys, GA. My mom is with me, and we were trying to figure out where we should spend it. Maybe Jacksonville? That’s on the way. Then mom said, “Hey, I remember someone telling me that Amelia Island is beautiful – let’s check that out.” Okay.

Then her phone rings. It’s a friend, and she’s coming down to Florida, will we be anywhere near her? She’s going to be flying into Jacksonville and her plane is landing when we’ll be driving by the airport. Oh, and she’s going to stay with her family on Amelia Island, any chance we could come and spend the night with them? Any chance we can give her a ride from the airport?

Isn’t God awesome!? So we get to give her a ride which she needed, and we got a place to stay, which we needed, and we got to stay in exactly the place my mom wanted to see. He is so good!

Ministry in Palatka

Monday, January 25th, 2010

With Pastor Randy at Peniel Baptist

With Robin Robinson of WHIF at the concert

Well, my family left on Saturday, which is never fun, and my mom and I headed up to Palatka, FL. Sunday morning I did the worship services at Peniel Baptist church, and they were just wonderful – I felt like I’d known them forever. 🙂

I came back that night and did a concert/ministry event in place of their regular Sunday night worship, sponsored by the church and by the Christian radio station up there, WHIF. It was a really fun night of ministry!

This morning I was on the morning show at WHIF with Robin Robinson. She was at the concert last night too, and she’s so much braver than I am! She had to get to the station a lot earlier. 🙂 We had a great prayer time at the station too. Altogether, a great time in Palatka!

2 more CTN shows

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Mom and I with Herman and Sharron on CTN

Today I went back to CTN to shoot 2 shows.

First we did “It’s Time for Herman and Sharron”, and I got to do that with my mom, who’s also out right now with my dad’s book “No One Tells a Dying Guy to Shut Up”. They did such an excellent job of expressing what a great thing God has done through this book – if you haven’t gotten it yet, you need to. You can see it here.

After that I taped several songs for “The Good Life” which will air on February 12th at 9 across the network. The people we met there were just wonderful. Thanks so much for having us in! We can’t wait to come back.

A great day.

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

With the Bechtels and the whole gang, and yes, we ate that whole sundae!!

Today I got to take the day off and spend it with my family, which is awesome, but we also got to spend it with wonderful friends, Bobby and Lisa Bechtel. They are the missionaries we stayed with in Mombasa, and we really loved them so much. What a blessing that they were in Florida on furlough when we were! We got to catch up with them and their kids, and also meet Kristen who is interning with them. What a blessed day! I love how God gave us that time, so unexpected – who thinks we get to catch up with friends from Mombasa!!

Church on the Rock

Monday, January 18th, 2010

Singing at Church on the Rock, Plant City, FL

Yesterday we were at Church on the Rock in Plant City, FL. What awesome people! And how fun, my family came down on Saturday, so they were with me, which is always such a blessing for me.

I sang on the morning service and did some guest worship and also my own music. Then we went out with the pastor’s family, and what a blessing to get to know them – what a wonderful family! Getting to know people on the road is one of the greatest blessings of this ministry.

That afternoon we came back, and I gave a concert. Such a great time, and I know the Lord used it. Be praying for this church – they have a great ministry to Haiti, and right now, they are hoping God will really use them there.

Taping for "Homekeepers" on CTN

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

On the set of “Homekeepers” on CTN

Today I taped the show “Homekeepers” for CTN (Christian Television Network)with Arthelene Rippy. What a lovely woman – we had a great time, and it’s always fun to see “behind the scenes” on a television show. Thanks, Arthelene, what a privilege to meet you!

Wonderful Bonita Springs women

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

This morning I got to share some songs and some of our Kenya experience with a group of about 100 women, many of whom helped to fund our trip. It was so fun to get to show them some of what God did through their support! And, I get to stay with my wonderful, wonderful friends, Ralph and Nancy, who have done so much for me and my music, AND I get to be in sunny Florida in January. What could be better??

TSA is fun!

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

Really, I have met only helpful, polite TSA people in my last several flights, but it is pretty funny to watch their faces when you try to fly with a small mixing board and many, many cables in your carry-on.

You can see them thinking, Hmmm, black plastic box covered with dials, surrounded by black cabling, I wonder if we should take a second look here. “Um, ma’am? Could you please step over to our ‘special’ area? Ma’am? Over here please.”

Yeppers. Flew into Tampa today to start a couple of weeks of promotion and concerts for the new album release with just a little family downtime in between. Should be fun – at least it’s not 12 degrees like it is at home!!