Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Your Great Name at #5!!!

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

I’m so excited to report that my single, “Your Great Name” debuted on Christian Music Weekly’s national Praise and Worship chart this week at #5! I’m so amazed at what God is doing with our ministry and with this song right now.

You can see the chart here:

Praise God!

Vocals in Nashville

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Well, this week has been frustrating and fun at the same time. We’ve been doing vocals for the new tracks, and I spent 4 solid days singing and then drove home again. There’s a lot of down time, so it’s not like I sing for 12 hours at a time, but it’s a long time to concentrate. BUT!! I love how the songs are coming – I really cannot wait to share them. I know I’ve said that before, but I mean it! I love what God has given us to say on this album, and I can’t wait to get it out there!

I’ll be back down here in a couple of weeks to do the string session, and there’s still percussion and backing vocals and mixing and mastering, but it’s definitely taking shape, and I’m so excited to hear the final product!

Traverse City and Gaylord, MI radio

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Jennifer with Patrick Green

Jennifer with D.C. Cavendar

Today I visited a couple of radio station in northern MI – WLJN in Traverse City, and Northern Christian Radio in Gaylord. I met up with D.C. Cavendar in Traverse City, and we had a great time sharing our walks with the Lord – we have a lot in common! Then we recorded an interview and took some pictures and I headed up north. Had a little more trouble finding the station in Gaylord, but thanks to nice police people and tall radio towers, I tracked them down. Chatted with Patrick Green, and then the kind people there helped me fix my phone (oddly, when your phone freaks out, you can’t call your husband to ask how to fix it!!).

Headed out after that to drive to Louisville, KY. I need to be in Nashville tomorrow morning, and I couldn’t make it all the way there from MI, but this is a good start. 🙂

The other Faith Covenant Church :)

Monday, August 10th, 2009

Many of you know that I’m the worship pastor at Faith Covenant in Columbus, OH, but this morning, I got to sing at Faith Covenant Church in Farmington Hills, MI, just north of Detroit. How fun is that? Makes my calendar confusing, though…

I drove up yesterday, sang this morning. What a great church! I’ve been there before, and really, there are so many incredible people I’ve met there. Hey, Faith Covenant – you’re almost as cool as my fam at the other Faith Covenant. 🙂

It’s obviously deer season here, by the way. I had to drive up to Traverse City in north MI today since I have some radio visits tomorrow. Driving today, I saw 9 (count ’em, 9!!) deer, one of which was running right in front of me when I slammed on my brakes at 65 MPH. And yes, I missed him, but I think his bum was really about 2 feet from my bumper. I’m so thankful I missed him, and really, I’m guessing he feels the same way.

Recording sessions in Nashville

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Me with Peder Eide

Blair Masters on piano (and keys and Hammond)

Pat McGrath on acoustic guitar

Scott Williamson on drums

In the main tracking room – Mike Payne on electric, Scott Williamson on drums, Mike Pearson on bass, and Pat McGrath in the acoustic booth

Me with my producer, Paul Marino

In the control room – David Hall was engineering

Matt Pearson on bass

I just wanted to put up some photos of the recording sessions we just did in Nashville. I’m headed back down there next week to do the vocals, but we did the band sessions on Monday and Tuesday, and I’m so happy with them! These guys were amazing, and added so much to the songs. I’m not sure when I’ve had more fun with music!

The only problem was when I realized I had lost a diamond out of my engagement ring – definitely was not something I was hoping to deal with. Fortunately not the center stone, just a small one from the side. After crawling all over my hotel room on Monday night, I went in on Tuesday and was looking in the studio, and the guys were so sweet, and all helped me look too, but we didn’t find it. I really have no idea when I lost it, so it’s not surprising.

Also, I got to meet Peder Eide, which was fun. He also works with Paul Marino who’s producing my album, and we ended up splitting the tracking session. As soon as they finished my tracks, they started on Peder’s new Christmas album. It was great to meet him – we work with several of the same people, and I’ve been hearing a lot about him.

I really can’t wait to let you all hear the new songs – I know God is going to use them, and I’m so happy with how they are coming out!

Some Ohio radio visits

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

Mark Spencer, Eric Johnson, and Jennifer at CDR network

Jennifer with Bill Nance of WFCJ

This past week I got to visit two great stations here in my home state – The PATH, CDR network in Cedarville, OH, and WFCJ in Dayton, OH. CDR was especially fun since I used to teach at Cedarville University, and one of my fellow voice professors is the morning show host there, so I got to catch up with him too.

It was great to hear what they are both up to, especially since it’s kind of “local” for me. And, thanks to WFCJ, I learned there’s a chocolate festival in Dayton in the fall. I really can’t think of anything I’d rather have a festival for – who’s joining me there???

Headed out now to Nashville to start tracking the new album – I’ll post pictures of the sessions in the next day or so. I’m so excited to hear how the songs will take shape!

The book is here!!!

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

My mom’s book came out and I really hope you’ll go and check it out!

It’s the journal the my dad wrote while he was dying about what God was teaching him through it, and mom has been editing it into a book for the last year. It’s wonderful – funny and heartbreaking and inspiring and wise. I’m so proud of them both!!

You can check it out at I hope you love it!

New album coming…

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Sorry I haven’t been writing much here, but it doesn’t mean I wasn’t writing!!

I’ve been down in Nashville quite a bit lately, and we finished writing all the new songs and will begin recording them at the beginning of August. I am so excited to see what the Lord will do with this album! I really can’t wait to share it with all of you.

Please pray for us as we go into a really busy couple of weeks. I’m recording and performing and doing several radio visits and interviews, and traveling between all of them. It’s going to be a very busy time, but I’m so excited to see the album taking shape. Pray that God will do exactly what He wants to do with it!!

Beautiful Independence Day at Epworth Heights, MI

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

“Thanksgiving in July” concert

Jennifer with Mary June Wilkinson

Vespers on the beach.

Part of the 115 year old sanctuary at Epworth

View at Epworth

View at Epworth

Well, we had a pretty amazing week. I confess, our heads are swimming a bit being back in the states still – we came home and jumped both feet first into VBS, finished the play and the week, and then set out almost immediately for Epworth Heights in Ludington, MI.

Epworth is a community that was founded in 1896 as a summer retreat on Lake Michigan. The beach houses have been handed down in the families for the last 100+ years. It’s just stunning, and feels like a step back in time.

Mary June Wilkinson lives here in the summers, and had seen me sing several times in Florida, her winter home. She invited me and my family up for the week, and we stayed busy! I sang in church on Sunday morning, and then again at the evening vespers on the beach. I also did our kid’s music with my children’s help at their VBS all week, and then gave a concert at their annual “Thanksgiving in July” event.

The rest of the time, we walked, played in the sand, raced turtles (a tradition going back to the thirties – we had the coolest turtle – go, Speedy!!!), toured the museum, played on the playground, got to know incredibly nice people, and had some wonderful together time. What fun! Hope we get to do that again. 🙂

VBS moment

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Just a wonderful VBS story. There was a little girl that I know through one of my daughters who came, and has a pretty difficult family life. She spends a lot of time by herself. One day, at the end of the program, she came to me and said, “Do you think that’s true?” And I said, “What, sweetie?” She said, “Do you think that it’s true that Jesus loves me?” And I said, “Yes, I absolutely know that’s true.” And she said, “Because that would be really great if it was true that He loves me.”

Two days later she came running up to me, so excited to tell me that she’d asked Jesus to live in her heart. I just had to share it. Isn’t it great to know that He loves us?